Safety Instructions
1. Read all instructions before installing or operating any DS boiler
2. Never fire boiler without water in the system. Doing so could ruin boiler.
3. You must install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors before you install or operate any furnace or
Check your local codes, this installation must meet their rulings.
4. Do not open bottom ash door to increase draft. It is designed only to empty ash pan.
5. Never leave boiler doors open when boiler is unattended.
6. Install barometric or manual damper when burning coal.
7. Do not use a manual, barometric or automatic damper when burning wood.
8. Do not hook up a wood or coal boiler to an aluminum Type B gas vent. Use a code approved Class A
chimney. A minimum of 20’ high.
9. On all new installs connecting to an existing chimney, a level 2 chimney inspection must be done by a
certified chimney sweep.
10. Clean chimney before installing boiler. If there is creosote attached to the liner you could create a seri-
ous chimney fire.
11. Never leave children unsupervised when they are in same room as boiler. Provide a sturdy barrier to
keep children and pets a safe distance from the boiler, or they could get burned.
12. Keep boiler area clear from all combustible materials, gasoline, other flammable vapors and liquids.
13. Use the required floor protection as shown on page 6.
14. Check the clearance to combustible walls and floors on page 6.
15. Do not allow anyone who is unfamiliar with the boiler to operate it.
16. Spend some time with your boiler to become well acquainted with the different settings and how each
setting will affect its burning patterns. It is impossible to state how each setting will affect your boiler.
17. Be extremely careful when removing the boiler ash pan. It may be very hot!
18. Make sure your single wall chimney connectors have at least 3 screws per joint.
19. When starting a fire, circulating pump must be running continuously.
20. If circulating pump is installed you must install a high limit aquastat set at 190 degrees Fahrenheit.
21. Always install a mixing valve when installing a domestic coil.
Operational Work Practice Standards
1. When burning wood, burn only seasoned, dry cord-wood that has been dried; then warmed before firing.
(Warming cord-wood means placing in a heated building for 1 day before burning)
2. Keep wood under cover: in a wood shed, or a tarp.
3. Right after delivery: stack cord-wood under cover
4. Split cord wood before drying.
5. Do not burn green wood, it needs to have no more than 20% moisture.
6. All firewood must be seasoned at least 1 year.
7. Check cord-wood with moisture meter. Check wood moisture at least once a week!
8. Keep a 2” to 3” ash layer on top of your grates when burning wood. Note: Do not cover louvers.
9. The boiler is designed to burn air dried wood and coal at a predetermined firing rate. Over firing occurs
when the ash door is left open during operation or a highly volatile fuel, i.e. large amounts of small kindling is
used. Do not exceed 200 degrees water temperature.
10. When tending the firebox always open load door slowly to minimize smoke out the fire door or a “flash
11. Check the fit on the load door. It must fit tightly. If it does not, check for deterioration or wear of the ce-
ramic rope seal. Replace defective seals.
12. Inspect and clean your chimney and single wall chimney connectors regularly.
13. In the event of a chimney fire, shut off all draft controls and blowers. Call your fire department immedi-
ately. Alert everyone in the house. If flue is still burning vigorously, throw baking soda into firebox or discharge a
fire extinguisher into fire box. After the chimney fire is over, have a certified chimney sweep complete a level 2
inspection of your chimney.
14. Equip your building with fire extinguishers, carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.
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