Exp o rt Co n tro lle d – S e e P a g e 3
Rev D
Page 131 of 234
ARMOR X10gx Tablet Computer
Dia g n o s tic s Dia lo g
The Diagnostics window displays the following internal temperatures of the X10gx tablet, as
shown in the example in Figure 76:
CPU core temperature (DTS and Diode)
CPU Mainboard temperature
Battery #1 temperature
Battery #2 temperature
This temperature information can be used by DRS to diagnose possible system problems.
Figure 76. ARMORutils Diagnostics Dialog
Eve n t Re c o rd e r Bu tto n
Click on the
Event Recorder
button to open the Event Recorder window shown in Figure 77.
This window provides entry fields and options to create a log file of temperature variations and
battery status over time. For instructions on how to use the Event Recorder function, refer to