recommend to adjust the air intake to maintain the gas temperature always above 300
g) Before you open doors to reload or check level of combustion, open the air control to
permit gases and smoke to leave.
h) We suggest you to try to maintain a bed of embers approximately one inch thick to ensure
uniformity of combustion.
i) Under no consideration should you modify or alter the operation of air entries.
j) Modern homes are better insulated and tightly constructed. These advantages often cause
certain inconveniences. It is common for air leaving by the chimney or vent on the
cooking stove not to be replaced; the house, then, is in a low or negative pressure
situation. Should this happen, you should install an outside air duct with adjustable
opening as close as possible to the controls of your heating unit. This complementary
device will improve combustion and help balance pressure, thus making your home more