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Reference Manual ATOM one SSM500
Genlock is enabled, but locking did fail because no
reference signal was detected.
Make sure the reference signal is connected, the sync
generator is powered and the cable is not damaged.
Genlock is enabled, but locking did fail because the
detected reference signal is not supported.
Please use a different reference Signal. All 1080i and 1080p
tri-level sync and PAL/NTSC Black Burst reference signals
are supported. 720p tri-level sync signals are not supported.
Genlock is enabled, but locking did fail because the
detected reference signal is not compatible with the output
video mode.
Locking is only possible to reference signals, that have the
same frame-rate as the output video mode, for an example
in 1080p50 mode the camera can lock to 1080i50 and
1080p50 tri-level sync signals.
No Lock
Genlock is enabled but the device could not lock on the
supplied reference signal.
Maybe the signal quality is bad, has high jitter, or the cable
is damaged.
Genlock PLL
Genlock is enabled but an error occurred when configuring
the Genlock PLL.
This should not happen during normal operation, please
contact the Dream Chip Technical Support.
Video PLL
Genlock is enabled, but an error occurred when configuring
the Video PLL.
This should not happen during normal operation, please
contact the Dream Chip Technical Support.
10.7 genlock_lol_filter <time_ms>
When the genlock sync signal source is disconnected or has a malfunction (loose
connection, bad cable) there can be glitches in the genlock signal. This causes the camera
to detect a loss-of-link immediately followed by a valid link again. In this case the camera
will initiate a resync, although it is not necessary, since the device can run without a valid
sync signal for a few milliseconds without getting de-synchronized.
To avoid this, a glitch filter has been implemented. Only when the genlock signal has been
lost for the time specified by this command, it will be accepted as a valid loss-of-link.