Draper EZ Fold TF-20 Specifications Download Page 2

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Specifi cations—EZ Fold TF-20

Ceiling-Suspended, Forward-Folding Backstop (Under 28'-4")

Product Description

Basketball backstop shall be the EZ FOLD TF-20, ceiling-suspended, forward-
folding as manufactured by Draper, Inc. of Spiceland, IN and shall be installed 
at locations shown on customer approval plan.
Backstops shall be a welded together main frame constructed from steel 
me chan i cal tubing to form a rigid tetrahedral “T” design of back-to-back right 
triangles. The main stem (center strut) shall be 6" OD 11-gauge steel tubing, the 
top of the “T” shall be 4" OD 11-gauge steel tubing, and the side braces shall be 
2¼" OD 14-gauge steel tubing. Side braces shall join stem no higher than 4'-6" 
above goal. The main stem shall be of suffi cient length to allow plus or minus 6" 
height adjustment of either fan or rectangular banks.
The folding front brace shall be jackknife type, fully adjustable, self-locking in 
the down position and constructed of 2½" OD 13-gauge (outer) steel tubing and 
2¼" OD 14-gauge (inner) steel tubing.
The backstop shall be supported from 4" OD 11-gauge steel mechanical tubing 
(as shown on plans) anchored to roof structure by means of heavy steel support 
hangers. Superstructure tubes shall be reinforced with bridging and/or bracing 
when truss centers exceed 8'-0".
Pivot or hinge joint (pin height) for folding shall not exceed 15" from roof structure 
except when required by architect for coordination with other trades.
The main backstop frame shall pivot on 1¼" minimum solid steel shaft secured 
in a milled bearing hole in ½" minimum steel plate hangers to insure accurate 
positioning of bank.
The bank shall be attached to the 6" OD main stem by heavy-duty bank hang-
ers. Hangers shall be constructed of 2¼" OD 14-gauge steel tubing and ¼" x 
2" fl at steel plate with slotted holes for lateral adjustment. All glass banks shall 
have one upper bank hanger and include a goal brace which attaches directly 
to the goal mounting plate and directly to the 6" main stem of the backstop to 
eliminate any strain on the bank and help prevent glass breakage. This direct 
mount feature shall conform to NCAA recommendation No. 5-F (dated Mar. 82) 
which states that the design of the unit shall transfer the load on the goal directly 
to the backboard support so as to minimize stress to the glass backboard.
Backstop is raised or lowered by a ¼" (6.35 mm) aircraft cable, certifi ed minimum 
break strength of 7,000 pounds (3178 kg), operating over aluminum alloy sheaves 
with bronze oilite bearings that do not require lubrication.

Backstop shall have a black or white powder coat fi nish. Other colors optionally 
available: contact Draper for details.


Backstop shall be operated by 503085 motorized winch or 503086 

manually operated winch. For complete specifi cations, see separate sheets.

EZ Fold



Basketball Backstop—Ceiling-Suspended, 
Forward-Folding, Front-Braced


Backstop can be provided with any of several different styles of backboards, 
goals and padding. Specify types desired. See separate sheets.


Smart Gym Control System

. For group control of Basketball Backstops with 

Elec tric Winches, Electric Divider Curtains, Electric Height Adjusters and other 
Auxiliary Devices.  For complete specifi cations, see separate sheet.

503060 EZ Power Wireless Remote Control. 

For remote control operation of 

electric winch. For complete specifi cations, see separate sheet.

503029 Posilok™—

Safety belt to automatically lock basketball back stop in 

position due to a sudden surge of speed created by a possible malfunction of 
the hoisting apparatus. For complete specifi cations, see separate sheet.

503049—Portable Operator

—To operate manual winch with heavy-duty electric 

drill.  For complete specifi cations, see separate sheet.

Height Adjusters (see separate sheets):


— For motorized 8'-10' Height Adjustment of rectangular bank.


— For motorized 8'-10' Height Adjustment of fan bank.


— For motorized 8'-10' Height Adjustment of rect an gu lar bank with 


wireless remote control.


— For motorized 8'-10' Height Adjustment of fan bank with wireless 




— For motorized 8'-10' Height Adjustment of rectangular bank with EZ 





— For motorized 8'-10' Height Adjustment of fan bank with EZ Stick 




— For manual 8'-10' height adjustment of rectangular backboards.


— For manual 8'-10' height adjustment of fan backboards.

503003—Portable Height Adjuster Operator

—Speed controlled battery 

powered operator for manual height adjusters. For complete specifications, 
see separate sheet.

Downloadable 3-part specifi cations 
are available at www.draperinc.com.


(765) 987-7999

LEED® Submittal Information



MRc4 – Recycled Content

Post Consumer Average 51.21%

Post Industrial 0%

MRc5 – Regional Materials

Raw materials are commodity items from multiple 
sources so extraction point cannot be determined. 
Final Manufacturing/Assembly in Spiceland, IN  
