Fuel System
The Dragonfly 1000 has a diesel engine and only diesel fuel can be used. The fuel
tank (50 liters, 13 gallons) is located in the engine room on the starboard side.
The fuel system has
two fuel filters
The primary (a Lucas 296) is located on the forward engine room
The secondary is located on the engine. The filters should be changed
twice a year.
fuel tank
has a drain on the bottom to remove any water.
To use:
1. Loosen
2. Open
Let drain until only diesel is coming out.
The fill deck fitting is located on the transom, starboard side. The fuel tank vent is also
mounted transom, but facing the step area. The diesel tank also provides fuel for the
cabin heater. The fuel gauge is located on the main auxiliary panel in the main salon
and will only register when the engine battery is on.