© Travis Industries
Grill Installation and Removal
Follow the directions below to install.
Hold the grill at an angle and ins ert the
lower s lot over the lower bus hing on
the fireplace (both s ides )
S wing the grill upwards to engage the upper s lot. Y ou
will need to lift the grill s lightly to get it over the bus hing.
Once in place the grill is held in place by gravity.
L ower G rill Ins tallation
Hold the grill at an angle and ins ert the lower
s lot over the bus hing on the fireplace (both
s ides ). Y ou may need to pres s on the grill to
get the tab over the bus hing (this prevents
the grill from accidentally falling off).
B end the tab outward on
both s ides . T his is the
end-s top for the lower grill,
it allows the grill to s wing
S wing the grill upwards to engage
the upper s lot. Y ou will need to lift
the grill s lightly to get it over the
bus hing. Once in place the grill is
held in place by gravity.
NOT E : T he upper grill is diffi c ult to ins tall the firs t time - be
patient, after you ins tall it, you will know how it ins talls and it
will be muc h eas ier the s ec ond time.
P os ition the grill
s o the s lots on
the grill align with
the mounting
s tuds .
Y ou may need to
pus h in and
upwards on the
grill as it ins erts .
T he grill, when
fully ins erted,
will s lide down
and "click" into
Upper G rill
Heat S hields
(on fireplace)
Mounting S tud
Upper G rill Ins tallation (L opi)
Upper Grill Installation