ROTO-HOG™ Premier Power Tiller
General Safety
A Note to All Users
No list of warnings and cautions can be all-inclusive. If situations occur that are not covered by this manual, the operator must
apply common sense and operate the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller in a safe manner. Visit our website at
www.DRpower.com or call 1-800-DR-OWNER (376-9637) for assistance.
Under California law, and the laws of some other states, you are not permitted to operate an internal combustion Engine using
hydrocarbon fuels without an Engine Spark Arrester. This also applies to operation on US Forest Lands. All DR ROTO-HOG
Premier Power Tillers shipped to California and Washington State are provided with Spark Arresters. Failure of the
owner/operator to maintain this equipment in compliance with state regulations is a misdemeanor under California law and may
be in violation of other state and/or federal regulations. Contact your local Fire Marshal, Forest Service, State Park Association, or
the appropriate state organization for specific information in your area.
Safe operation of the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller is necessary to prevent or minimize the risk of
death or serious injury
Unsafe operation can create a number of hazards for you. Always take the following precautions when operating this machine:
The DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller is a powerful tool and not a plaything. When using this machine, exercise extreme
caution at all times. The design of this machine is to till soil. Do not use it for any other purpose.
The operator or user of the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other
people, their property, and themselves.
Know how to quickly stop the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller. See page 11.
Never allow people or pets to ride on this machine.
If the machine should make an unusual noise or vibration, shut off the Tow Vehicle and the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power
Tiller Engines. Vibration is generally a warning of trouble. Wait five (5) minutes for the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller
Engine to cool. Disconnect the Spark Plug Wire and then inspect the machine for clogging, damaged Tines, or loose Engine
mounting Bolts. Clear any obstructions and repair and/or replace damaged parts.
Always keep the machine in good safe operating condition. Always make certain Nuts and Bolts are tight and always use the
supplied self-locking hardware. DO NOT USE SUBSTITUTE HARDWARE.
Always shut off the Tow Vehicle and DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller Engine, wait five (5) minutes to cool, and disconnect
the Spark Plug Wire before attempting to clear any obstructions.
Use the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller only in daylight and give complete and undivided attention to the job at hand.
Do not hurry or take things for granted when using the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller. When in doubt about the
machine or your surroundings; stop the machine and take time to look things over.
Exercise extreme caution when on or crossing drives, walks, or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic.
Never leave the DR ROTO-HOG Premier Power Tiller unattended with the Engine running. If leaving the machine, shift the
Tow Vehicle into neutral, set the Vehicle Parking Brake, turn off the Vehicle Engine and remove Key; raise the Tines of the Tiller
and disengage the Tine Drive then turn off the Tiller Engine.
Prior to transportation to and from the work area, disengage the Tiller Tine Drive, stop the Tiller Engine, and raise the Tines.
Do not operate the machine when under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or medication.
See manufacturer’s instructions for proper operation and installation of accessories. Only use accessories approved by DR
Power Equipment.