General Maintenance:
If you experience intermittent crackle/static type sounds make sure the
4 screws that secure the chassis are tight. If a bit loose, the chassis will
lose connection to the RF shield.
Make sure a speaker is connected to your amplifier before you turn it on.
Always match your speaker or cabinet to the proper ohm rating on the
rear of the amp (8 ohm speaker or cab into the 8 ohm jack.)
If amplifier powers on, but no sound is heard after switching off Standby
check your ½ amp fuse on the rear panel ( for related troubleshooting
see changing rectifier tube above.) If problem persists contact your
dealer or Dr Z Amps.
Do not set liquids on top of your amplifier.
Becuase tubes are made of glass be sure to allow you amplifier time to
acclimate to drastic changes in temperature before powering on.