Turn the unit OFF and remove it from the wall outlet.
Vacuum out the Fan Air Intake until clean.
Blowing air directly into the Fan Air Intake to clean the unit is not advised. This will cause
a restriction in future air flow and may limit the quality of the purified air produced by the unit.
Dip a cotton swab in Isopropyl Alcohol and insert it into the Purification Output Nozzle.
Gently rotate the swab and clean the entire area until all visible debris has been
removed. Use a new cotton swab to dry the previously cleaned area.
Dust exterior of unit with dry duster or cloth.
Allow the unit to dry, face down.
Plug your unit back into the outlet and turn the dial to the maximum purification
output. Verify that there is a clean smell emitting from your unit. Once a clean smell
emits, you may reduce the dial to your desired purification output level.
Cleaning & Maintenance
For proper operation, the unit should be cleaned at least once per month but may need to be
done more frequently. To determine if your unit requires more frequent cleaning, regularly inspect the
Purification Output Nozzle. If debris is visible, the unit is in need of cleaning.