www.dqeready.com | p. 800-355-4628 | f. 317-295-9822 | [email protected]
Standard Decontamination Shower
Shower Inspection and Maintenance
A. As with all emergency equipment, you should develop an inspection program that
assures the shower’s suitability for use in an incident.
B. Program should include deploying, visually inspecting, and operating the shower
at least every 3 months. All problems should be immediately corrected.
C. Maintenance on this shower is minimal. The inspection program should reveal any
problems with quick connects or hose connections. These may include worn or
missing O-Rings, broken cam locks or leaking joints. Contact DQE for replacement
part needs.
D. Occasional coatings of silicone based lubricant on the quick connect surfaces and
cam locks will ensure they function smoothly.
Effective Spray Pattern
A. The most effective spray pattern creates a virtual wall of water by overlapping the
fan-shaped spray and keeping the spray in a vertical plane with the upright
portion of the shower.
B. All shower heads should be aimed so that the centers of the fans are at
approximately the center point of the average user’s body as they stand in the
C. The optimum spray pattern is attained when at least 15 gpm (30-50 psi) of water
is supplied to the shower inlet.
Shower Operation
A. Turn water supply on. Upper valve should be in the open (parallel to pipe)
position and lower handheld sprayer valve should be closed. It takes
approximately 1 minute for full spray pattern to be achieved.
B. Check aim of shower heads and use shower according to your standard operating
C. The handheld unit can be used by opening the lower valve. It can be used with or
without the shower heads running.
D. After use, the shower should be fully decontaminated using your standard
operating procedures and in full compliance with state and federal regulations.
The shower should be inspected for damage or missing parts and should be
completely dry before storage. Store in vinyl carry bag in moderate
environmental conditions out of direct sunlight or exposure to ozone.
High Winds
A. When the Standard Decontamination Shower is being used outdoors in windy
weather, it is best to operate the shower for a short time in order to fill the lower
section with water. The weight of the water helps secure the shower to the ground.
B. When wind speeds exceed 20 mph, it may be necessary to use the enclosed straps
and stakes as a secondary means to secure the shower to the ground.
Instructions for Strap Use:
C. Set shower up so that the pathway through the shower is perpendicular to the
D. Wrap straps around top pipes on both sides and feed one end of strap through
the loop at the other end. Cinch it tight.
E. Extend strap out and secure the other end to the ground using the enclosed
stake or other method.