Ps/Pw 300 bar
maximum filling pressure
Pt/Ph 450 Bar
Pt/Ph 450bar
maintenance test pressure
2,0 l
water capacity
1,5 kg. (example)
mass of the cylinder only
2020/08 (example)
production year
FIN 2040/08 = expiry date
XXXXXX (example)
cylinder serial number
TS = -50°C/+60°C
working range temperature
CE XYZK (example)
CE Notified Body trademark
Pressure gauge
trademark of the product line
name of the manufacturer
measure unit on the dial
Medium pressure hose
35 bar
= test pressure
N.B: It is not indicated any due date provided all the scheduled maintenance
operations are regularly performed according to table 4 of par. 11. As far as the
control of the state of the medium and high-pressure hoses, it is emphasized
that the visual inspection and the verification of leaks performed the overhaul
maintenance that must be carried out every 5 years (sees table 4)
It is recommended to maintain the new and not yet used devices in theirs
original packaging during the transportation and the storing. Devices already
used must be conserved enclosed in a protecting covering that protect them
from being hit, from powder and intense light.
Avoid to overlap other heavy objects that can damage or deform devices. In
any case storing must be at normal temperature and in a place protected from
heat or intense cold, humidity, sun, harmful light, powder or other substances
or radiations armful for the materials. Useful indications can be obtained from
EN ISO 2230:2002 "Rubber Products - guidelines for storage".