background image

a P P l i c at i o n

Gun-applied verSion:

1.  Adjust flow control screw on 

back of gun to an open position. 

Immediately press trigger to fill 

gun with foam while dispensing 

into an appropriate waste 


2.  Keeping can inverted, insert 

applicator nozzle into the 

penetration to be filled and 

begin dispensing foam slowly. 

Fill gap less than 1/3 full to 

allow for proper expansion. 

3.  The foam dispensing gun is 

recommended to control size 

of the foam bead (from 1/8" 

to 3" [3 mm to 75 mm]). This 

is achieved by squeezing the 

trigger on the foam dispensing 

gun or by adjusting the flow 

control knob on the back of the 

gun to set how far the trigger 

can be pulled (Figure 5).


do not inject the foam sealant 

into blind six-sided cavities, such 

as window mullions. The foam 

must be exposed to atmospheric 

moisture to thoroughly cure.

Tip: using grease or petroleum 

jelly in the adapter of the gun 

may reduce possibility of foam 

gluing the can on the gun.

Tip: apply foam in a continuous 

bead, with no voids or breaks, to 

achieve an effective seal.

installation information  .  commercial/residential

®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
*Foam should only be dispensed around the outside of the box, not inside.

Figure 5

Electrical wire penetration

t Y P i c a l   a P P l i c at i o n S

Outdoor water faucet

Fireplace gas line

Pipe penetration

Sewer plumbing penetration

Wall-ceiling juncture

Electrical outlet*

Attic hatch

HVAC vent
