CAUTION: Do not apply pressurized gas to the
exhaust port — pump will not function.
–12°C to 82°C
10°F to 180°F
–40°C to 107°C –40°F to 225°F
4°C to 104°C 40°F to 220°F
CAUTION: Canadian Standards Association
(CSA) configured pumps should not be used in
temperatures lower than 0
) or higher than
CAUTION: Maximum temperature limits are
based upon mechanical stress only. Certain
chemicals will significantly reduce maximum
safe operating temperatures. Consult Chemical
Resistance Guide for chemical compatibility and
temperature limits.
WARNING: Prevent static sparking — If static
sparking occurs, fire or explosion could result.
Pump, valves and containers must be grounded
to a proper grounding point when handling
flammable fluids and whenever discharge of
static electricity is a hazard. Pumps must be
electrically grounded using the grounding
conductor provided. Improper grounding can
cause improper and dangerous operation.
CAUTION: Do not exceed 6.9 bar (100 psig) air
supply pressure.
CAUTION: The process fluid and cleaning fluids
must be chemically compatible with all wetted
pump components. Consult Chemical Resistance
CAUTION: Do not exceed 82°C (180°F) air inlet
temperature for Pro-Flo
SHIFT models.
CAUTION: Pumps should be thoroughly flushed
before installing into process lines.
CAUTION: Always wear safety glasses when
operating pump. If diaphragm rupture occurs,
material being pumped may be forced out air
CAUTION: Before any maintenance or repair is
attempted, the compressed air line to the pump
should be disconnected and all air pressure
allowed to bleed from pump. Disconnect all
intake, discharge and air lines. Drain the pump
by turning it upside down and allowing any fluid
to flow into a suitable container.
CAUTION: Ensure that the gas supply line is clear
of debris. Use an in-line air filter. A 5μ (micron)
filter is recommended.
NOTE: When installing PTFE diaphragms,
it is important to tighten the outer pistons
simultaneously (turning in opposite directions)
to ensure a tight fit. (See torque specifications in
Section 7.)
NOTE: Some PTFE-fitted pumps come standard
from the factory with expanded PTFE gaskets
installed in the diaphragm bead of the liquid
chamber. PTFE gaskets cannot be re-used.
NOTE: Before starting disassembly, mark a line
from each liquid chamber to its corresponding air
chamber. This line will assist in proper alignment
during reassembly.
CAUTION: All CSA-certified pump are fitted with
a single-point exhaust to route all exhaust gas
through the muffler exhaust port. The gas outlet
must be vented to a safe location in accordance
with local codes or, in the absence of local codes,
an industry or nationally recognized code having
jurisdiction over the specified installation.
CAUTION: Tighten all hardware prior to installation.
4°C to 149°C (40°F to 300°F) - 13 mm (1/2") and 25 mm (1") models only.
S e c t i o n 1
C A U T I O N S — R E A D F I R S T !