Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E
Document: Installation Manual
24 August 2016
Version: B.1
Page 8 of 29
Document: H71342
1.3.1 Bolts
Yield Stress Limit
: 450 N/mm
Tensile Stress Limit
: 700 N/mm
Thread engagement (h)
: > D
1.3.2 Package Dimensions
Package outside
dimensions 8800E/8801E (HxWxD)
Package weight 8800E/8801E
: 12 Kg
(26 lb)
Package outside dimensions 8800E/8801E with cable-plug assembly
Package max weight with cable-plug assembly
: 25 Kg
(55 lb)
Keep the Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E into the initial box and store it into a dry warehouse. Make sure (before
installation or storage) to check if the package and the Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E is free from damages.
1.3.3 Storage of the Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E
Storage Temperature (T
: -20
C (-4
F) to +70
The storage and transport ambient temperature of the 8800E/8801E may never exceed the above
mentioned temperature range
to prevent damage to the liquid crystal display.
Read installation chapter for recommended precautions when the 8800E/8801E is used in the maximum
ambient operating temperature range.
The Liquid crystal display must be shielded from direct sunlight.
1.4 Nameplate
The nameplate of the Rack Monitor 8800E/8801E is affixed to the outside of the bottom part of the
Enclosure. The material is stainless steel and will be attached to the Enclosure by means of 4 stainless steel
drive screws (see Figure 1). The font used on the nameplate is Arial in sizes 2 to 3.5 points high, depending
on the information containing. The nameplate contains at least the supplier, brand, type, serial number, year
of manufacturing, protection type, certificate number, temperature range and product category.
Figure 1