Customer Specific Linearisation Curves:
It is possible to store 10 special linearisation curves with up to 8 free
programmable points each. The values in this storage will stay in the
memory during replacement of the battery. The adjustemt of the calibration
points can be done with the PC-software DMI-Controller, or they can be
changed through the kexpad as decribed below.
Moisture meter type DS5-AL
page 5
The microcontroller in the meter takes the analog measurement value with
automatic zero point correction.
The resulting value is our input value.
You can display the input value with code 95. 1:0000
According to a rectangular coordinate system, the input are assign in the X-
and the moisture result are assign in the Y-direction.
According to this, X-values are input values ,
Y-values are the assigned moisture values.
X-values (input values) can appear in the area 0-4095,
this input values (
can be dedicated to moisture values (Y-values)
The moisure values have to be written in %-values * 10
(for example: for the moisuture value 12,3 % ==> Y-value = 123).
For chaging the calibration points you need to put in code 40 to 49 for
curve 0 to 9 (e.g. code 43 for curve no. 3).
The values signed with “<” can be changed with the arrow keys.
Confirm the changed value with “ok”, then you can change the next value.
Calibration sample:
Special curve 3:
1: 0000 0000
2: 0043< 0000
till the input of 43 the display shows 0,0%
3: 0200 0152
200 is the calibration value with our testmodule, with
the testmodule the instrument will show 15,”%
4: 1430
500 =50% is the maximum value
5: 5000
input 1430 to 5000 the display stays at 50,0%
6: 0000
points 6 to 10 not used
7: 0000
8: 0000
9: 0000
10: 0000
The maximum value for the input value is bewteen 4000 and 5000,
depending on the basic calibration factor.
With code 31, the defoult calibration curves can be selected
With code 30, the special curves can be selected.
Input 1:
Special curve 3:
1: 0000 0000
3: 0200 0152
2: 0043< 0000