16H Manual Page 9
Revised: 11/2015
2. Machine Installation and
Section Three
2 . 3 Installation and Setup Continued
15) With the main (Red) power switch on and the cardboard cover removed from the lens opening,
test the profile light switch by briefly switching to high and low. Center position is off.
: without a lens in the machine the screen will be very bright. Do not look directly at the
screen when testing the lamp on high. Test the surface lighting by switching the surface light
on then off. It either light does not work properly please refer to the “Troubleshooting” section
of this manual.
16) With the main power switch on and no lens in the machine switch the profile illumination to low.
Note the position of the bulb element on the screen. It should be centered up and down and
left and right. If it is out of position either reseat the bulb in the socket or adjust the socket
position in the lamphouse using a 3MM hex wrench.
The bulb is very hot.
I7) Insert a lens into the lens opening with the red dot of the lens ring aligned with the red dot on the
face of the machine. Then apply slight pressure uniformly around the lens ring while twisting
to the right (clockwise). The lens will twist to the right and stop with the lens red dot slightly to
the right at about the one O’clock position. To remove the lens turn left (counter clockwise)
until the red dots are aligned then remove the lens.
18) If the stage was bumped during installation it could be skewed. Check the stage helix vernier
(located under the X axis cover) it should indicate 0. If adjustment is needed. Loosen the two
helix clamps under the stage and place a magnetic indicator on the stage. Indicate from one
side of the lens ring to the other and twist the stage as needed. Lock the helix locks when
A more accurate alignment method
would be to place a 3” to 4” square or straight edge on the
stage perpendicular to one of the stage vees’ then place a magnetic .00005” indicator on the
face of the machine. With the contact point of the indicator against the side of the square or
straight edge. Move the focus forward and back while indicating along the side of the square
or straight edge. With the two locks loose, twist the stage as needed to adjust. For best results
obtain .00005” or better over the focal distance. Then tighten the stage locks. See “squaring
the focus axis” Pictures on the following page.