amplified phone for people with severe hearing loss
handset volume amplified by up to 53dB
superior ergonomics
HAC - hearing aid compatible
HearPlus 317ci combines excellent
ergonomics with superb visual aids,
improved hearing aid compatibility
and enhanced sound adjustments for
people with severe hearing loss. An
excellent amplified phone that is
extremely easy to use and understand.
amplified phone for people with severe hearing loss
amplified phone for people with severe hearing loss
handset volume amplified by up to 53dB
handset volume amplified by up to 53dB
superior ergonomics
superior ergonomics
HAC - hearing aid compatible
HAC - hearing aid compatible
HAC - hearing aid compatible
HearPlus 317ci combines excellent
HearPlus 317ci combines excellent
HearPlus 317ci combines excellent
ergonomics with superb visual aids,
ergonomics with superb visual aids,
ergonomics with superb visual aids,
improved hearing aid compatibility
improved hearing aid compatibility
improved hearing aid compatibility
and enhanced sound adjustments for
and enhanced sound adjustments for
and enhanced sound adjustments for
people with severe hearing loss. An
people with severe hearing loss. An
excellent amplified phone that is
excellent amplified phone that is
extremely easy to use and understand.
extremely easy to use and understand.
Now available from www.M2Cshop.com