Received calls
You can view the latest received calls. Choose
Received calls
then select a received call to view, call, send text message, save to
contact, add to blacklist, edit before call or delete etc.
Delete call logs
You can delete the latest call records. Choose
Delete call logs
and then select to delete all the numbers in the call history, or
delete only the numbers in the dialed calls list, the missed calls list
or the received calls list.
1.3 Messaging
Write message
From the main menu select “
Write Message
” to create text
message. You can type a message, and you're also able to insert a
pre-defined message from
“SMS templates
”. While writing a
message, select “
” to access all the messaging options.
You can save your messages that you send often to “
to perform the following operations:
Send to
: To send the short message.
Insert method
: Your mobile phone supports several input
methods, which includes:
Multi-Tap: (ABC/abc/Abc)
Spain input :
“ES, es, Es.”
Portugal input
“PT, pt, Pt.”
Numeric: (123)
Insert symbol: select a symbol you want to insert.
Insert template
: Some templates are stored in the mobile
: To insert a contact number from the phonebook to
the short message.
Save the message to draft box.
Received messages are listed in this item.
If a new short message arrives, a message icon will be
displayed on the screen. If the short message memory is full, you
can no longer receive any short message. To receive short
messages, delete some or all the existed short messages.
Draft messages are listed in this menu.