FIG. 6
Lift the right end of the awning and roll the FRTA
assembly clockwise
one-half turn or until roll
pin (inside end cap) is stopped against the nail.
10. Remove the left arm assembly from the torsion rod
by removing the 1/4"–20 machine screws and lock-
11. Proceed to Section B. Removal of Torsion As-
sembly from Roller Tube.
With one person grasping each support arm, keep-
ing the two arm assemblies PARALLEL to each
other to avoid excessive twisting and possible dam-
age to assembly, walk the awning out of the awning
rail. See FIG. 5.
FIG. 5
Carefully lay the fabric roller tube assembly on a
clean, well padded "V" trough to prevent fabric
damage. Remove the right arm assembly from the
respective torsion rod, by removing the 1/4"–20
machine screws and 1/4" locknuts. See FIG. 6.
B. Removal Of Torsion Assembly From Roller
The awning is removed from the coach and is on the
ground with the torsion pinned and arms removed.
Insert torsion winding 3/4" hex head stud into
the end of the torsion rod. Insert 1/4" pin through
3/4" deep well socket over hex stud. Slide the 3/
4" deep well socket over hex stud until it locks
1/4" pin in place. See FIG. 7.
Insert speed wrench or breaker bar into socket.
Remove the pin from the end cap. It may be
necessary to turn torsion rod to release pres-
sure from pin, making it easier to remove. See
FIG. 8.
Note: On right hand torsion, move the Safe-T-Lock™ lever to
the roll-up position.
Slowly unwind the spring tension from the
Use 3/16" drill bit to remove the two pop rivets
from the end cap.
Slide the torsion out of the roller tube.
FIG. 8
FIG. 7
8300 and Sunchaser Service Instructions
Severe injuries can result from the rapid
spin-off of the torsion spring. Always have
a positive grip on the speed wrench or
breaker bar. Ratchet should not be used
because it may allow rapid spin-off of the
torsion spring.
DO NOT REMOVE the NAIL at this time and
DO NOT attempt to rotate the Safe-T-Lock
Lock Direction Lever.
Move to roll up position
“More information https://www.caravansplus.com.au"