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Sub GHz Transmitter Modules User Manual May 2017 | Page 14/35
PTM 330 / PTM 335 / PTM 330U / PTM 430J
Sub GHz Transmitter Modules
via programming interface
Number of secure sub-telegrams.
When ECO 2xy is connected in secure mode only 2 tele-
grams can be transmitted due to longer telegrams and
energy reasons. In case of sufficient power source is
secured you can change this parameter to 3.
Default value: 2
Secure teach-in starts when
To operate in secure mode the PTM 335 sends a secure
teach-in telegram. This event can be triggered by con-
necting SECURE with VCC and either:
pressing the energy bow only
releasing the energy bow only
pressing or releasing the energy bow
Default value: •pressing or releasing the energy bow
PTM 335 secure telegrams content
The content of the 32 possible data telegrams with en-
hanced security can be configured. Please see PTM 335
Configurator for details.
PTM 335 standard telegram content
The content of the 32 possible data telegrams can be
configured. Please see PTM 335 Configurator for details.
Configuring PTM 335 in production with command line tool
During PTM 335 Configuration a command line programmer tool is installed – MSP 430
This command line tool can be also used without PTM 335 Configuration – similar to EOPX.
The command line tool is most valuable during production, where no GUI is needed for con-
figuration and the configuration must be performed without user involvement.
For this purpouse first create the required configuration in PTM 335 Configurator and save
it. The stored file can be then used to configure a PTM 335. This command must be used:
MSP430Flasher.exe -i COM59 -n MSP430FR5730 -w ptm335_config.txt -u -e ERASE_SEGMENT -s
-z [VCC]
The COMXX must be specified according your COM Port representing the MSP 430 Pro-
gramming interface.
Be sure not programming previously read-out configuration files or other files into
the PTM 335. By programming other than the specified cells the module configura-
tion will become corrupted and the PTM 335 fails to operate according to specifica-