Pressing the Left and Right Arrow buttons will
let you switch between the different modes.
Switching between the different modes will also
reflect in the instrument cluster display. If the
Drive Mode’s interface is already open on the
touchscreen, and the << or >> buttons are
pushed, the Drive Mode’s mode that was
selected on the instrument cluster will appear
on the radio. For more information on the instru
ment cluster display and its interaction with
TRX Button
The Drive Modes main screen displays the
current drive mode and real-time status of the
vehicle’s performance configuration. The
selectable Drive Modes are “Sport”, “Tow”,
“Snow”, “Auto”, “Custom”, “Mud/Sand”,
“Rock”, and “Baja”. Information shown will
indicate the actual status of each system, along
with a vehicle graphic that displays the active
drive mode status. The color red indicates
“Sport,” yellow for “Street”, light blue for
“Snow”, purple for “Tow”, and orange for “Baja”.
These features will reset to its AUTO drive mode
configuration upon an ignition cycle if the
transfer case is in 4WD Auto or 4WD High. In
4WD Low, after an ignition cycle, the drive mode
will turn to the mode that was active when the
vehicle was last turned off. If the system status
shown does not match the current drive mode
set-up, a message will be displayed indicating
which values are not matching the current
Sport, Tow, and Valet Modes Set-Up menus
cannot be changed.
Some parameters within Snow, Auto, Mud/
Sand, Rock, and Baja Modes Set-Up menus
can be configured.
All subsystems within the Custom Mode
Set-Up screen (with the exception of Rock
Stability) can be configured.
On-Road Drive Modes
1 — Sport
2 — Tow
3 — Snow
4 — Auto
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