background image

The graphic equalizer

shall be a two-channel 31-
band type with frequency
centers on standard ISO
one-third octave frequen-
cies with 12 dB of boost
and cut for each slider.
Equalization sliders shall
have a center detent at 0
dB with a protective dust
cover behind the front

Low-noise sliders

shall be utilized having a
travel of 20 mm.


channel shall have a slider
input gain control with +/-
12 dB range with center
detent at 0 dB. Bypassing
each EQ channel shall be
accomplished by a front-
panel switch utilizing elec-
tronic FET switching to
avoid transients and shall
have an LED to indicate
that the EQ is in. A front-
panel low-cut filter per
channel at 50 Hz with 12 dB/
octave slope shall incorpo-
rate electronic FET switch-
ing and shall have an LED to
indicate that the filter is
engaged. Output level shall
be monitored on each channel by a four-LED peak-reading bar graph
calibrated to read -10, 0 +10, and +17 dBu.

The input section shall have one input per channel—electronical-

ly balanced/unbalanced 1/4" TRS jacks (optional electronically bal-
anced/unbalanced 1/4" TRS and XLR jacks)  The output section shall
have one output per channel—impedance balanced/unbalanced 1/4"
TRS jacks (optional impedance balanced/unbalanced 1/4" TRS and bal-
anced XLR jacks).

A front-panel rocker-type power switch shall provide visual indi-

cation with red marking. The power supply shall be internal with two
thermally-fused transformers mounted in low hum orientations. The
transformers and primary side of the power supply shall be isolated
from the secondary and electronics by means of a steel hum isolation
shield. The power cord shall be detachable from an international stan-
dard IEC 320 power inlet receptacle. Unit shall be constructed to
meet or exceed all applicable international safety and regulatory agen-
cies. Unit shall be powered from 120 VAC 60 Hz (or 100 VAC 50/60
Hz, 230 VAC 50 Hz, 240 VAC 50 Hz). Unit housing shall be of all steel
construction and shall be rack-mountable in an IEC standard 19" rack
and shall occupy a 2U (3.5") rack space. An optional security cover
must be available.

The unit shall be a DOD SR231Q (or SR231QXLR) Graphic





