Basic Operation
Before Using
Attaching docomo mini UIM card/
Battery Pack
To insert the docomo mini UIM card/battery pack, remove
the back cover and insert. (See page 18)
Insert the docomo mini
UIM card.
1. Pulling the tab of the tray with your
finger, slowly pull the tray straight
out until it stops.
The tray cannot be removed, so be
sure not to pull the tray beyond the
position at which it stops. Doing so
might damage the tray or tab.
2. With the gold IC side of the docomo
mini UIM card facing up, check that
the cut is facing left, and place the
card in the tray.
3. Push the docomo mini UIM card
until it stops.
Push the docomo mini UIM card
inward firmly until it is in place.
When you remove the docomo mini UIM card
Pull out the tray, and then slide the docomo mini UIM card
slowly to pull it out.
After pulling out the tray until about half of the docomo
mini UIM card is visible, pull out the docomo mini UIM
card by sliding it out.
Attach the battery
With the arrow surface of
the battery pack face up,
combine the terminal area
of the battery pack with
the battery terminal area
of the FOMA terminal, and
then push in the A direction while pushing down in the B
When you remove the battery pack
Lift the battery up using the projection of it.
Ensure that you turn off, close, and take hold of the FOMA
terminal when you install or remove the docomo mini UIM
card or battery pack.
You can use only a docomo mini UIM card with this FOMA
terminal. If you have a docomo UIM card or FOMA card,
replace it at a handling counter of a docomo Shop.
Arrow mark