Operation display LED contents
and the LCD panel
For details, see p. 42 – 43 of this manual.
Initialization period
When the power is turned on, the printer performs
positioning of the ink ribbon and retransfer film. It also
initializes the mechanisms of the printer and check their
operations. “Initializing” is dispalyes on the LCD panel
during this period.
Preheating period
When the initialization of the mechanisms completes
normally, the printer increases the temperatures of the
retransfer roller and bend remedial roller up to the
specified levels. “Preheating” is dispalyes on the LCD
panel during this period.
LCD operation display content
Printer status
Mechanism set
Preheat period
Ready period
Printer operation
Error occur
User mode
LCD panel
When an error
*Depends on the
error content
Depends on the
user mode content
: LED on
: LED off
I n i t i a l i z i n g . .
P r e h e a t i n g . .
L o a d i n g . .
P r i n t i n g . .
E n c o d i n g . .
R e t r a n s f e r . .
U n l o a d i n g . .
C l e a n i n g . .
S l e e p i n g . .
R e a d y
B o o t U p . .
V e r . x x x / x x / x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
OS booting up
* Firmware version
Shows firmware
version number.
Displayed during the
Displayed during
* Displays Total/Head/Free or
Roller(Display is Roll.),
according to the counter
select setting.
Displayed during
Ready status
* Print counter
Displayed during
Displayed during
Displayed during
Displayed when cards
are discharged from the
NG card outlet
Displayed during
cleaning operations
When the heater
status is OFF
because of the power
save function
Before use