UhsasManualRevE060405DMT.doc,28 / 34
This tab performs the calibration functions of the instrument. (See also the
Particle Size Calibration section of this manual.)
There are subtabs on this page:
Calibration Curve
This tab shows the calibration curve for the instrument. The signal
sizes (in mV) are converted into voltage as they would appear on
the highest gain stage (G3).
control specifies the reference particles and their signal
sizes. The points control is an (arbitrary length) array of triplets
consisting of :
: the gain stage on which the particle signal
: the signal size in mV of the particle signal; and
the size of the particle in nm. At least one point needs to be
specified to calibrate the unit. This is normally the NIST 100 nm
SRM, which appears as ~4000 mV on G3. Any number of
reference particles can be used to calibrate the instrument. The
cal-curve will be interpolated between reference points in log-log
space. The calibration points are easily measured by running a
particle and using the voltage-space histogram on the appropriate
gain stage to determine the signal size (see Calibration section of
this manual).
G0 points
: These points are used to specify the Mie curve of
signal size (v)
particle diameter (d) on the lowest gain channel