Your Sect complete arrives partially as-
sembled. Just a few short steps need
to be taken before you are out riding it!
STEP 1. Bar and Stem assembly
First of all you need to straighten your
bars out of the box. Do this by lining
them up with you front wheel and tight-
ening your stems steerer clamp.
Warning: Make sure your headset is
tight after this procedure. Also make
sure your stem is facing the correct
way (as shown in image below)
To tighten the headset you need to
make sure the stem is loose on your
steerer (the two bolts towards the back
of the stem). Once these are undone
you can tighten you headset preload on
the top cap of your stem. Once your
headset has no forwards/backwards
movement and remains easy to turn
left to right you are ready to tighten the
stem/steerer bolts towards the back of
the stem. Make sure you tighten these
to the reccomended torque. See Table 1
Bar clamps should be fastened seper-
ately. Torque figures can be found on
the previous page or see Table 1.
STEP 2. Pedal fitting
The pedals will be included in the box
and ready to install. Make sure you use
grease on the axles and that the pedals
are on the correct side. There should
be an indicator on the axle to distin-
guish betweek left and right.
Tighten each pedal up using the allen
head on the inside of the axle.
Please Note: The left hand pedal axle
is reverse threaded. To tighten please
turn the opposite way to normal.
STEP 3. Final check
Before riding you need to check through
your bike making sure each part is
tightened to the correct torque setting
and your tyres are at a suitable pres-
sure. Check the Torque list below for
reference alongside the image on the
previous page.
• Steerer clamp - 14 Nm
• Bar Clamp bolts - 6Nm
• Brake Mounting bolts - 6Nm
• Seat Clamp bolt - 10Nm
• Wheel nuts - 30Nm
• Pedals - 30-34Nm
• Crank pinch bolts - 12-14Nm
Tyres should be inflated between 30psi
and 60psi. The valve type for this bike
is schrader (car type).
Final check will include chain tension
adjustment. The DMR sect is a single-
speed MTB so the chain is tightened
by moving the wheel further back in the
Note: When doing this make sure that
the wheel is straight with the rest of the
Move wheel backwards to ensure the
chain is tight. See general riding info 3
Brake can be aligned using the allen
bolts located on the TOP of the brake
caliper. Check your brake before rid-
ing and make sure your pads are bed
in before braking sharply.