Harness Color Code
Wiring to Panel
770-A Loops Wiring
- Auxiliary Power
- Loop 1
Yellow - Data Transmit
- Loop 2
Green - Data Receive
White/Orange - Loop 3
Black - Ground
White/Yellow - Loop 4
Self-Test Diagnostics
The 670-A and 770-A keypads allow you to test all system keypad functions. To test the keypads:
• Disconnect the red (+12 VDC), yellow, and green keypad wires from the panel.
• Twist the yellow and green keypad wires together. Reconnect the red wire to the panel.
The keypad display shows:
This test begins immediately and scrolls a series of characters across the display allowing you to visually
inspect each display segment.
To go to the next test, press the COMMAND key. To repeat a test, press the ARROW key.
This allows you to check each key for proper operation. The display shows: PRESS KEY— . As you press
and hold each key, its name is displayed.
TEST 3 LOOP TEST (Not available on the 670-A keypad)
This allows you to check each keypad loop for proper operation. The display shows: L1 L2 L3 L4.
Following each loop number is the status of the loop. (O) = Open, (–) = OKAY, and (S) = Short.
This allows you to check the AC LED and keypad tone for proper operation. The display reads: LED RLY
TONE. To test each function, press the select key beneath its name. The keyboard backlight turns off during
this test. The RLY (relay) function is not available on 670-A and 770-A keypads.
This test displays the address selection of the keypad. The display ADDRESS 2 U indicates the keypad
being tested is set to address 2 and is also unsupervised. Supervised keypads show only the address
number. A "?" (question mark) is displayed if an address selection above 8 has been made. To end the
Address Test, press COMMAND. The display reads: * * TEST END * *.
Reconnecting the keypad wiring
Disconnect the red wire from the panel. Separate the yellow and green keypad wires and reconnect them
to the panel. Connect the red wire to the panel. Press COMMAND to start the keypad's normal operation.
Additional Diagnostics
If at any time during normal operation a supervised keypad cannot detect polling from the panel on the green
keypad wire, the display reads: SERVICE REQUIRED. This indicates the green wire may be broken.
If at any time during normal operation a supervised keypad detects polling but its particular address is not
being polled, the display reads: NON-POLLED ADDR. To clear this display, check the address selection
on the keypad or the number of keypad addresses you've assigned during system programming.
Additional Power Supply
If current draw for all keypads connected to the panel exceeds the panel's output, you can provide additional
current by adding an auxiliary power supply. Connect all keypad Ground (common) wires to the negative
terminal of the power supply. Run a jumper wire from the power supply's negative terminal to terminal 10
of the panel. Connect all keypad power (+12 VDC) wires to the positive terminal of the power supply. Do
NOT connect the positive terminal of the power supply to any terminal of the panel.
The Model 670-A and 770-A keypads each display a green AC power LED. The LED is off when AC power
to the panel has been interrupted or while the panel is resetting.
2841 E. Industrial Drive Springfield, MO 65802-6310 800-641-4282
Digital Monitoring Products