c. When the input is from the "A" terminal, excessive current will blow the fuse which must then be replaced.
Fuse value is 0.5A.
d. The 20A range is not protected by a fuse and has a maximum 10A continuous current rating. The
20A range measurement time should not exceed 15 seconds.
1. Connect black test lead to "COM" terminal and red test lead to the "V/OHM" input terminal.
2. Set the function range switch to the OHM range.
3. Connect the test leads across the resistance under measurement and read the display value.
a. The polarity of the red test lead is "+".
b. When the input is not connected, i.e at open circuit, the figure "1" will be displayed for the over
range condition.
c. If the resistance value being measured exceeds the maximum value of the range selected an over
range indication "1" will be displayed and function range switch must be set to a higher range.
d. 200MΩ range has a 10 digits (1MΩ) constant. This figure will appear in short circuit status and it should be
subtracted from any measurement result on this range. For instance: when measuring a100MΩ resistor a figure
of 101.0 will be shown in the display. A value of 1MΩ should be subtracted from the indicated value.
1. Set the function range switch to the "Cx" position. Before connecting the capacitor, wait until the display
automatically zeros.
2. Connect the test capacitor to the "Cx" input socket (not test leads) and read the display value.
3. When using the probes for testing capacitors , insert the probes into the “CX” hole(Marked
with “mA & COM“) and connect test lead tips to the capacitor, then read the display value.
The tested capacitor should be discharged before the testing procedure. Never apply voltage to the "Cx"
input socket, or serious damage may result.
1. Set the function range switch to the
2. Connect the black test lead to "COM" terminal and red test lead to V/OHM input terminal; (Note: the polarity
of the red test lead is "+").
3. This range has an "AUDIBLE CONTINUITY TEST" function. Built-in buzzer sounds if the resistance
between the two probes is less than 30±10Ω.
4. Connect the test leads across the diode and read the display value.
a. When the input is not connected, i.e. at open circuit, the figure "1" will be displayed
b. Test condition: Forward DC current approx 1mA. Reversed DC voltage approx. 2.8V
c. The meter displays the forward voltage drop and displays figure "1" for overload when the diode
is reversed.
1. Set the function range switch to the "hFE" position.
2. Determine whether the transistor is "NPN" or "PNP" type.
3. Correctly insert transistor into E.B.C connector.
4. Displayed reading is approx. transistor hFE value.
Test condition: Base current approx 10uA. Vce approx.2.8V
1. Battery and fuse replacement should only be performed after the test leads have been disconnected and power
turned off.
2. Loosen screws with suitable screwdriver and remove case bottom
3. The meter is power by a single 9V battery. Snap the battery connector leads to the terminals of a new
battery and reinsert the battery into the case top. Arrange the battery leads so that they will not be pinched
between the case bottom and case top.
4. The meter is protected by a fast fuse 0.5A/250V. Fuse dimensions are 5mmФ x 20mm.it is soldered on the
PCB on some versions.
5. Replace the case bottom and reinstall the three screws. Never operate the meter unless the case bottom is
in place.