DMEGC Photovoltaic Modules Installation Manual
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current and/or voltage than reported at standard test conditions. Accordingly, the values of Isc and Voc
marked on this module should be multiplied by a factor of 1.25 when determining component voltage
ratings, conductor current ratings, minimum factor of fuse sizes, and size of controls connected to the
PV output.
Only use same connectors to connect modules to form a string, or connect to another device.
Removing the connectors will void the warranty.
2.4 Fire Safety
Consult your local authority for guidelines and requirements for building or structural fire safety.
According to IEC 61730-2 standard, DMEGC modules have been rated Fire Class C, and are suitable
for mounting on to a Class A roof.
For roof installations, modules should be mounted over afire resistant covering suitable for this
application, with adequate ventilation between the module backsheet and the mounting surface.
Roof construction and installation may affect the fire safety of the building, Improper installation may
create hazards in the event of a fire.
Use appropriate components such as fuses, circuit breakers and grounding connectors as requires by
local authority.
Do not use modules near equipment or in locations where flammable gases may be generated or
3. Product identification
Each module has two labels providing the following information:
1.Nameplate: describes the product type; rated power, rated current, rated voltage, open circuit voltage,
short circuit current, all as measured under standard test conditions; weight, dimensions, the maximum
system voltage etc.;
2. Barcode: each single module has a unique serial number. The serial number contains the model number,
manufacturing time, and corresponding serial number of the module (except for customer designation)
Each module has only one barcode. It is permanently attached to the interior of the module(except the
whole black modules), is visible from the top front of the module. This bar code is inserted prior to