6-1 What is the measurement principle of this tester?
The battery will gradually aging with increase of time. The
main reason is that it can no longer generate some effectively
chemical reaction because of aging of the surface of the battery
plate. That is why most of the batteries can longer be used
mainly. International Electric and Electronic Engineer
Association(IEEE)formally looks the Conductivity Test as one of
the standard of checking lead acid storage battery. It points out
from IEEE standard 1118-1996 that :Conductivity Test is used
to test AC current generated by putting the known frequency and
amplitude AC signal to both sides of the battery. AC conductivity
value is the ratio of AC current signal which keeps same phase
with AC voltage and the AC voltage. This tester is designed from
this principle actually.
6-2 Can it be affected by the installation of negative
current inside the vehicle?
All the negative currency will affect the result. Therefor please
remove the negative currency prior to checking, in order to
achieve the accurate data.
6-3 Can this tester predict when does the battery
become useless?
The internal resistance of the sealed lead-acid battery is
complicated. It is generated by ohm internal resistance,
concentration polarization internal resistance, chemical
reactions internal resistance and interference effect caused by
double capacitance’s charging. The ingredient of internal
resistance and its relative content will change with different test
method and different test moment, which can lead to different
tested value of the internal resistance. And there is no strict
relationship between internal resistance (or conductance) and
capacitance of the sealed lead-acid battery. So it is impossible
to predict the life of battery according to a single battery’s
internal resistance. But it can be predicted the life of the battery
will be over soon from the sudden increase of its internal
resistance and decrease of its conductance.
Voltage of the battery: 12.85V
Fully charged 100% 12.78V
75% 12.54V
50% 12.30V
25% 12.12V
Totally discharged 11.94V
CCA value 588CCA
Check the condition of battery
Internal insulation 4.75m
The higher of the CCA value , the lower of the internal
insulation normally.
Remark: Different material of the battery produced by
various manufacturers can cause different internal insulation.
So there is no fixed standard. But there is little difference among
the internal insulation of the battery with the same model from
the same manufacturer.
Life: Display the condition of the battery. Suggest replacing the
battery when it shows below 45%.
Suggest replacing
The result indicates the battery is bad and remains 32% of
life. So suggest replacing the battery.