Tips For Stretching
Begin with small mobility exercises of
all the joints e.g. simply rotate your
ankles, bend your knees and roll your
hips. Gradually make the movements
larger and faster. This will allow the
body’s natural lubrication (synovial fluid)
to protect the surface of your bones at
these joints.
Always warm up the body before
stretching as this increases blood flow
around the body, creating warmth which
makes the muscles suppler.
Start with your legs, and steadily work up
the body.
Each stretch should be held for at least
10 seconds (working up to 20 to 30
seconds) and usually repeated about 2
or 3 times.
Do not stretch until it hurts. If there’s any
pain, ease off.
Don’t bounce. Stretching should be
gradual and relaxed.
Don’t hold your breath during a stretch.
Stretch after exercising to prevent
muscles from tightening up.
Stretch at least three times a week to
maintain flexibility.
Warm-Up And Cool-Down
A successful cardio-vascular exercise
program consists of a full-body warm-up,
aerobic exercise, and a cool-down. Do the
entire program at least two and preferably
three times a week, resting for a day between
workouts. After several months, you can
increase your workouts to four or five times
per week.
The purpose of warming up is to prepare
your body for exercise and to minimise
injuries. Warm up for five minutes before
strength-training or exercising aerobically.
Perform activities that raise your heart rate
and warm the working muscles. Activities
may include brisk walking, jogging, jumping
jacks, jump rope, and running on the spot.
Try to incorporate moves that take the joints
through their full range of motion.
Stretching while your muscles are warm
after a proper warm-up and again after
your strength or aerobic training session is
very important. Muscles stretch more easily
at these times because of their elevated
temperature, which greatly reduces the risk
of injury. Stretching develops flexibility and
reduces muscles soreness.
Stretching Guide