Built in Storage
Touchtab Lite - Comes with 4GB Storage. (2.5GB usable)
The Android operating system divides this space up into 2 sections, Internal storage
and NAND flash storage.
The internal storage is reserved by use applications. 1.3GB is reserved on the
Touchtab Lite. You cannot access this area from your computer. The NAND flash
storage has around 1.2GB capacity on the Touchtab Lite. This storage area is used for
all other storage requirements including media/files.
Available storage can also be expanded using a Micro SD card of up to 32GB capacity.
Using a Micro SD Card
Available storage can be expanded using a Micro SD card of up to 32GB in
To use a Micro SD Card:
1. Insert the Micro SD card into the slot shown in the front of this guide.
2. The tablet will automatically prepare the card for use.
To eject the card:
1. Push the end of the card inwards again until it clicks then release. The card
will pop out from the slot.
Connecting to a PC
To copy files to and from your device via your PC:
1. Connect the device to the computer using the supplied USB cable.
2. A page will appear automatically.
3. Touch the “USB Connected” option.
4. Touch “Turn on USB storage”.
5. You should see a pop up on your computer asking you if you want to browse
the device. You can also see the device under “My Computer”.
6. To copy files you can now drag and drop files to and from your device.
7. To disconnect from your computer repeat step 2 above then touch “Turn off
USB storage”.
Tablet User Guide v1.0
Page 11