Clicking on the matrix icon at the bottom right corner of the GUI opens the Sequencer panel.
This is a simple step sequencer which can store up to eight 16step patterns. It allows you to
perform an entire rhythmic pattern that is synced to the song tempo with a single note press.
To create a pattern, first select the pattern number that you wish to store it in. Then enable a
strum by clicking on one of the step buttons, or disable it by clicking on it again.
To play a pattern press one of the pattern keys (C5G5). C5 plays pattern 1, C#5 plays
pattern 2 and so on. Release the pattern key and playback stops.
Velocity can be controlled by dragging the bars at the bottom of each step.
Swing amount can be adjusted as well with the Swing knob.
Finally, the Latch button allows patterns to keep playing without having to keep a pattern key
pressed down. While in latch mode, pattern keys start and stop playback.
● The m6 ‘End’ stabs and slow strums are actually m6/9 chords, but since we don’t have
that chord in our palette, we placed them in the m6 group to which they are closest.
● You can create more chord extensions, with an artificial yet quite convincing way, by
adding single notes from Django Lead. For example, to create a #9 chord, play a 7 chord
from Django Rhythm and at the same time play the corresponding #9 note in Django
Lead. Start by play the #9 note on the 1st string at a low velocity and adjust to taste. You
can do the same for
9, 13 and other chords.
● Using the same Effects settings helps the Lead and Rhythm instruments sound similar.
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