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3. Control
3.1. Preparation
1. Open the shipping packing and check whether all the necessary accessories to operate the
unit have arrived complete and intact, Place the unit on a flat surface and remove the tank
2. Make sure all the foams and plastic padding are removed, especially in the nozzle areas.
Open the lid of the fluid tank and fill the tank with the requested fluid. Please be sure to use
only recommended by B&K fluid. Other fluids may produce a non-desired effect or destroy the
machine. The warranty does not cover damages due to incorrect fluid not from!
Close the lid and make sure that no fluids leak into the device. If you are unsure, you can take
the tank out well and fill it out of the machine. Liquids in the machine can cause short circuits
and its danger to life and limb. Do not overfill the tank!
3.2. Start-up
Connect the power cable with a power supply that meets the specifications of the machine
(included). Make sure that there is a sufficient grounding
2. Switch the device with the backside power switch on.
3. The switch lights red if the device gets power.
4. The display shows „Heating up“.
5. It will take 10min until the device is heat up. If The heating is finished the display „Ready To
Fazer“ or. „Ready To Fazer S“.
3.3. Control panel
With the help of this button you get into the menu.
With the help of this button you get increase a value.
With the help of this button you get decrease a value.
This buton activates the timer function.
this button sets the output volume.
While pressing this button you can control the device manual.