Divine Tribe v3 Ceramic Donut Atomizer Quick Start Guide
Usage and cleaning notes
There is a “break-in” period for a new/clean donut - load
slightly more during this time (first 5-10 loads)
There is a “sweet spot” where new loads and reclaim are balanced using cool down hits can extend this time. Finish each session with a full
unpowered cool down hit. Holding your mod upside down after a hit will let the reclaim drop down on the bottom of the donut for vaping. Holding
the atomizer at a
slight angle and rotating in a circle while hitting it will help the hot oil touch the bottom of the donut and vaporize.
Once past the “sweet spot” the excess reclaim must be removed. I use a tightly rolled up paper towel for this. Roll the paper towel like a
cigarette (flat end) and insert into the atomizer. Hold it upside down and fire it to heat the reclaim. You can assist this process by blowing
through one air intake while covering the other. Rotate the paper towel to clean the walls too. Finally, re-roll the paper towel with a pointed end
and work the center and sides of the donut soaking up most of the reclaim. This will extend the time between break down cleaning.
Eventually a full break-down cleaning will be required as the donut will have some buildup and taste will be affected. This is best accomplished
with a little ISO and a torch. First note the cold resistance of your atomizer. Remove the outer cover from the base by removing the three
screws. Soak the base assembly in ISO for 10 minutes or so and then wipe off as much reclaim as you can with q-tips or a paper towel. Now
disassemble the base and donut cup by removing the two post screws. Carefully separate the cup and donut from the posts. Straighten the
leads with a needle nose pliers and carefully slide the donut out of the cup. This takes some finesse because reclaim will lock the leads in the
holes. Put the cup back in the ISO and
gently grab the donut leads with a locking pliers and use a torch to burn the crust off the donut. Move
the torch frequently and to not cherry the donut. While the donut cools, clean the cup with a toothpick and q-tips until clean. Q-tip out the
inside of the ceramic base and mouth piece with some ISO and dry off all parts. Reassemble the atomizer and check that the cold resistance
has not changed. Treat yourself to a nice dab on a clean donut.
New donut/cups are cheap you can avoid most of the cleaning and torching by just q-tipping the base and replacing the donut and cup, but
with proper cleaning a donut can last 6 months or longer.
A little bit of coconut oil makes a great lubricant for the mouthpiece o-rings.
© Copyright DivineTribe ineedhemp.com 2017
[email protected] | 707-709-8480