Butcher Block (Varnished Tops)
Maintenance & Repair
• Be sure any spills are cleaned up immediately. Excessive moisture and certain chemicals allowed
to stand on a finished surface can cause damage.
•. Clean spills or soiled areas with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.
• Periodically, apply a coat of spray wax, paste wax, or lemon oil to finished surface. This will
enhance and protect the finish and insure a moisture barrier is intact in the event the finish
becomes scratched or worn.
• Minor scratches and dents can be easily repaired by rubbing the affected area with steel wool or
fine grit (#220) sandpaper. Remember, when rubbing or sanding always sand with the grain of the
wood. Feather edges of repair in to the surrounding area. Remove all dust and residue and apply a
coat of clear lacquer type finish or paint. Clear lacquer type finish can be purchased at most paint or
hardware stores. Small cans of touch-up paint are available form your dealer or representative.
Paint colors can easily be matched at most paint stores. Confine touch-up only to the area that
was sanded. Remember, follow manufacturing directions on product label when refinishing.
• Major scratches and gouges where large portions of wood have been removed or damaged should
be handled by a professional experienced in furniture repair with the proper tools and equipment.
• Mineral Streaks –Natural Coloring of wood due to mineral deposits in the tree. Repair is not required
and will add to the individuality of your table. Sizes can range up to a 1/4" wide and up to 3" in length.
Your Butcher Block was kiln-dried to an initial moisture content of 7.6%. In order to maintain the beauty
and integrity of your Butcher Block, it is recommended that special care be taken to keep the relative
humidity and temperature within your home or warehouse in the highlighted range. This will limit the amount
of expansion and contraction in your natural wood product and minimize the risk of environmental damage.
• Environment Acclimation: Environmental damage does not constitute defective product. Allowing your
Butcher Block to acclimate to the environment for at least 72 hours prior to Installation, following
recommended installation practices that allow your Butcher Block to move with the conditions and
controlling the environment itself are all key factors that determine the life of your product.
• Temperature Changes: It is important to note that as winter temperatures drop, so does relative
humidity in the air. The heaters come on which further dries the air. Keeping the area humidified to an
acceptable level usually becomes necessary during the winter months. The opposite is true in spring
and summer as humidity rises, dehumidifiers and air conditioners become the method of control.
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Inf o@Diver si f ie dSpac e s .c om
Diver si f ie dSpac e s .c om
Example: If conditions in a warehouse are 60% relative humidity at 50 degrees. Fahrenheit Dry wood will pick
up moisture until 11.2% is reached, regardless of wood species and initial moisture content.