9. Attach the back panel assembly to the main console body
finished in Step 7. Insert cam locks into cam lock holes to
secure the back panel.
If you have any questions regarding our products, please visit us at www.displays2go.com or contact D2g customer service at 844-221-3388.
H3 & H4
10. Insert cam posts into Corner Panels (M). Attach 1 corner
panel to each corner at the back of the TV console. Use cam
locks to fix them.
Insert 1 Grommet (H4) into each grommet hole on the back
panel and press in until it fit snugly. Attach the Grommet
Caps (H3) to the cable grommets.
11. Insert the remaining cam posts into the Top Panel (A).
Assemble the Panel A with the finished assembly in Step 10 by inserting the cam posts into corresponding holes. Fix the top
panel with the rest cam locks. The assembly is finished.
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