Displays2go LITTER GRAPHIC Assembly Instructions Download Page 2

4.  Assemble Panel H by inser�ng (2) cam posts into cam lock holes 

in Panel H. Then securely lock Panel H by inser�ng cam locks and 

rota�ng clockwise.

5.  Insert (11) cam posts into another Panel B. Install Swing Door G 

onto assembled panels with sign facing outside, and hold it at its 

place. Assemble the 2nd Panel B with rest panels by inser�ng the 

cam posts into corresponding holes. 

6.  Install concealed hinges (H4). 

(a) Press the hinge cup into one flat-bo�omed hole in the door. Be 

sure the edge of the hinge is parallel with the edge of the door. 

(b) Drive wood screws provided through screw holes in the flange 

to fix the hinge cup. Secure the other hinge cup in the 2nd bored 

hole in door. 

7. Door Adjustments

Open and close the door a few �mes to check their alignments. 

loosen or �ghten the hinge adjustment screws as needed to refine 

the fit of the door. Turn screws a li�le at a �me un�l the door 

reaches desired posi�on and works properly.









(c) Hold the door with concealed hinge assembled, and align holes 

in the hinge plate with pre-drilled holes in Panel B. Drive wood 

screws into pre-drilled holes to fix the door panel.  

8.  The assembly is done. 

Wood Screw

Hinge Cup



Hinge Plate

2 of 2

Don’t forget to order the rubber liner to finish your receptacle. 

Ver. 03/18
