If you push the Yellow button when in the thumbnail
browser, this will take you to the recording library
where you can view your recordings by title. Here
you can select and delete multiple recordings.
Main Menu - Media Manager -
Thumbnail Browser
Here you can browse through your recorded programs as thumbnails, the title and information for your
recording is displayed below for the selected thumbnail/recording. The information displayed includes the
duration of your recording, the size, the age rating(eg G, PGR, AO), the recordings created date and also the
access date. The access date is the date and time the recording was last viewed. If the access date is blank this
means the recording has not yet been viewed. The thumbnail browser can be accessed from the library by
pushing the LIB button.
By pushing the Blue button you will see the sort by
options. You can also go directly to the recording
booklist using the blue button and selecting
Booking List.