Filter Types
Discovery Pro has 12 flter types. You may toggle through these types using the buttons
below the LCD Filter Type section or by clicking flter name LED to make a drop down
menu appear. The active flter is also showed in the display.
Available flter types follow:
LowPass 12db
: This 2 pole Lowpass flter will cut all spectrum range above
the Cutof frequency, with a rollof of -12dB per octave.
BndRjct 24
: The Notch flter will cut the frequency range surrounding the Cutof
point, and will be processed thru the 24dB Lowpass flter explained above, but
using a slightly shifted Cutof frequency. Using this with high Resonance amounts
will result in interesting vocal formants efects.
LowPass 24db
: A 4 pole Lowpass Filter with -24dB per octave rollof. This
functions similar to the LP 12db, but with a steeper frequency curve response.
BndPass 24
: A Bandpass Filter, which allows only the frequency range
surrounding cutof point to pass through. Resonance controls the size of this
HghPass 24
: The opposite of the Lowpass flters, the Highpass will pass
frequencies above the cutof point and will cut all range below. This flter type has a
rollof of -24dB per octave.
HghPass 12
: Will pass frequencies above the cutof point and will cut all range
below. This flter type has a rollof of -12dB per octave.
: 2 bandpass parallel flters tuned in vocal formant frequency range.
Resonance modifes both flters resonance.
X 12
: A Moog modeled 2 pole Lowpass Filter with -12dB per octave rollof.
X 24
: A Moog modeled 4 pole Lowpass Filter with -24 dB per octave rollof. It
functions similar to X 12db, but with a steeper frequency curve response..
Y 12
: Another Moog modeled 2 pole Lowpass Filter with -12dB per octave rollof.
Y 24
: Another Moog modeled 4 pole Lowpass Filter with -24 dB per octave rollof.
It functions similar to Y 12db, but with a steeper frequency curve response.