DirecTV D10-300 User Manual Download Page 15


Remote Control (cont’d)

Admiral ....................................20048, 20209
Adventura ............................................20000
Aiko .......................................................20278
Aiwa  ........................................20037, 20000
America Action  ...................................20278
American High ....................................20035
Asha .......................................................20240
Audiovox .................................20037, 20278
Beaumark .............................................20240
Bell & Howell ......................................20104
Broksonic .....20184, 20121, 20209, 20002
....................................................21479, 20479
Calix ......................................................20037
Canon ...................................................20035
Carver ...................................................20081
CCE ..........................................20072, 20278
Citizen..........................20037, 20278, 21278
Colt .......................................................20072
Craig .............20037, 20047, 20240, 20072
Curtis Mathes ...........20060, 20035, 20162
Daewoo .....................20045, 20278, 21278
Denon ...................................................20042
Durabrand ..............................20039, 20038
Dynatech ..............................................20000
Electrohome ........................................20037
Electrophonic ......................................20037
Emerex .................................................20032
Emerson ........20037, 20184, 20000, 20121
............20043, 20209, 20002, 20278, 21278
....................................................20479, 21479
Fisher .......................................20047, 20104
Fuji ............................................20035, 20033
Funai ......................................................20000
Garrard .................................................20000
GE .....20060, 20035, 20240, 21060, 21035

Go Video ..............................................20432
GoldStar .....................20037, 20038, 21237
Gradiente ..............................................20000
Harley Davidson ..................................20000
Harman/Kardon .....................20081, 20038
Harwood ..............................................20072
HI-Q ......................................................20047
Hitachi ......................................20000, 20042
Hughes Network Systems ................20042
JVC .........................................................20067
KEC  .........................................20037, 20278
Kenwood  ................................20067, 20038
KLH .......................................................20072
Kodak .......................................20035, 20037
Lloyd's ...................................................20000
Logik ......................................................20072
LXI .........................................................20037
Magnasonic ..........................................21278
Magnavox ......20035, 20039, 20081, 20000
Magnin ...................................................20240
Marantz ....................................20035, 20081
Marta .....................................................20037
Matsushita ...............................20035, 20162
MEI .........................................................20035
Memorex ......20035, 20162, 20037, 20048
............20039, 20047, 20240, 20000, 20104
.......................................20209, 20479, 21237
MGA .........................................20240, 20043
MGN Technology  ................................20240
Minolta ...................................................20042
Mitsubishi ...................20067, 20043, 20807
Motorola .................................20035, 20048
MTC .........................................20240, 20000
Multitech .................................20000, 20072
NEC ............................20104, 20067, 20038

Nikko ....................................................20037
Noblex ..................................................20240
Olympus ...............................................20035
Optimus ........21062, 20162, 20037, 20048
....................................................20104, 20432
Orion ............20184, 20209, 20002, 21479
Panasonic .....21062, 20035, 20162, 20616
...................................................20225, 21035
Penney ..........20035, 20037, 20240, 20042
......................................20038, 21237, 21035
Pentax ...................................................20042
Philco ....................................................20035
Philips .........................20035, 20081, 20618
Pilot .......................................................20037
Pioneer .................................................20067
Polk Audio  ............................................20081
Profitronic ............................................20240
Proscan ....................................20060, 21060
Protec ...................................................20072
Pulsar ....................................................20039
Quasar .......................20035, 20162, 21035
RadioShack  .........................................20000
Radix .....................................................20037
Randex ..................................................20037
RCA .20060, 20240, 20042, 20807, 21060
....................................................21035, 20880
Realistic ........20035, 20037, 20048, 20047
...................................................20000, 20104
ReplayTV ..............................................20616
Runco ....................................................20039
Samsung .....................20240, 20045, 21014
Sanky ........................................20048, 20039
Sansui ............20000, 20067, 20209, 21479
Sanyo ..........................20047, 20240, 20104
Scott ..............20184, 20045, 20121, 20043

Sears ..............20035, 20037, 20047, 20000
......................................20042, 20104, 21237
Sharp ........................................20048, 20807
Shintom ................................................20072
Shogun ..................................................20240
Singer ....................................................20072
Sonic Blue .............................................20616
Sony .20035, 20032, 20033, 20000, 21232
STS .........................................................20042
Sylvania ..........20035, 20081, 20000, 20043
Symphonic ............................................20000
Teac ........................................................20000
Technics ...................................20035, 20162
Teknika .......................20035, 20037, 20000
Thomas .................................................20000
Tivo ..........................................20636, 20618
TMK ......................................................20240
Toshiba .......................20045, 20043, 21145
Totevision ...............................20037, 20240
Unitech .................................................20240
Vector ...................................................20045
Vector Research .................................20038
Video Concepts  ................................20045
Videomagic ..........................................20037
Videosonic ...........................................20240
Villain .....................................................20000
Wards ...........20060, 20035, 20048, 20047
............20081, 20240, 20000, 20042, 20072
White Westinghouse  ............20209, 20072
XR-1000 ....................20035, 20000, 20072
Yamaha ..................................................20038
Zenith ............20039, 20033, 20000, 20209
....................................................20479, 21479

Admiral ....................................10093, 10463

Advent ........................10761, 10783, 10842

Aiko .......................................................10092

Akai .............................10702, 10030, 10672

Alaron ................................................... 10179

Albatron .................................. 10843, 10700

Ambassador .........................................10177

America Action ...................................10180

Ampro ................................................... 10751

Anam .....................................................10180

AOC ......................................................10030

Apex Digital ............................10748, 10765

Audiovox ....................10451, 10180, 10092

Bell & Howell .........................10154, 10016

Bradford ................................................10180

Broksonic ................................10236, 10463

Candle ......................................10030, 10056

Carnivale ...............................................10030

Carver ...................................................10054

Celebrity ...............................................10000

Celera ....................................................10765

Changhong ........................................... 10765

Citizen ...........10060, 10030, 10056, 10092

Clarion ..................................................10180

Concerto ..............................................10056

Contec ..................................................10180

Craig ......................................................10180

Crosley ..................................................10054

Crown ...................................................10180

Curtis Mathes ...........10047, 10054, 10154

............10451, 10093, 10060, 10702, 10030

............10145, 10166, 10056, 10016, 10466

CXC ......................................................10180

Daewoo ........10451, 11661, 10672, 10092

Denon ...................................................10145

Dumont ................................................10017

Durabrand ..............................10180, 10178

Dwin ........................................10774, 10720

Electroband ..........................................10000

Emerson ........10154, 10236, 10463, 10180

..........................10178, 10171, 10179, 10177

Envision .................................................10030

Fisher .....................................................10154

Fujitsu ............10179, 10809, 10683, 10853

Funai ............................10180, 10171, 10179

Futuretech ............................................10180

Gateway ...................................11756, 11755

GE .....10047, 10051, 10451, 10178, 10021

Gibralter ..................................10017, 10030

GoldStar ..................................10030, 10178

Grunpy .....................................10180, 10179

Hallmark ...............................................10178

Harley Davidson .................................10179

Harman/Kardon ..................................10054

Harvard .................................................10180

Havermy ................................................10093

Hello Kitty ............................................10451

Himitsu ..................................................10180

Hisense ..................................................10748

Hitachi ...........10145, 10016, 10151, 10056

Infinity ....................................................10054

Inteq .......................................................10017

JBL ..........................................................10054

JCB .........................................................10000

Jensen .....................................................10761

JVC .........................................................10053

KEC ........................................................10180

Kenwood ..............................................10030

KLH ........................................................10765

KTV ..........................................10180, 10030

Logik ......................................................10016

Luxman ..................................................10056

LXI ....10047, 10054, 10154, 10156, 10178

Magnavox ......10054, 10030, 10706, 10179

Majestic .................................................10016

Marantz ....................................10054, 10030

Matsushita ...............................10250, 10650

Megatron .................................10178, 10145

Memorex ......10154, 10250, 10463, 10150

......................................10178, 10179, 10016

MGA ...........................10150, 10030, 10178

Midland .......................10047, 10017, 10051

Minutz ....................................................10021

Mitsubishi .....10093, 10150, 11250, 10178

Monivision ..............................10843, 10700

Motorola ..............................................10093

MTC ...........................10060, 10030, 10056

Multitech ..............................................10180

NAD ...........................10156, 10178, 10866

NEC ...............10030, 11704, 10056, 10704

Nikko ..........................10030, 10178, 10092

Norcent ...................................10748, 10824

NTC ......................................................10092

Onwa ....................................................10180

Optimus ........10154, 10250, 10166, 10650

Optonica ..............................................10093

Orion .........................10236, 10463, 10179

Panasonic ..................10250, 10051, 10650

Penney ...........10047, 10156, 10051, 10060

.......................................10030, 10178, 10021

Philco .......................................10054, 10030

Philips .......................................10054, 10690

Pilot ........................................................10030

Pioneer .......................10166, 10866, 10679

Portland ................................................10092

Prima ........................................10761, 10783

Princeton ..............................................10700

Prism ......................................................10051

Proscan .................................................10047

Proton.......................................10178, 10466

Pulsar ....................................................10017

Quasar .......................10250, 10051, 10650

RadioShack ...10047, 10154, 10180, 10030

....................................................10178, 10056

RCA ............................10047, 10090, 10679

Realistic .........10154, 10180, 10030, 10178


Runco .........................10017, 10030, 10603

Sampo ......................................10030, 11755

Samsung ........10060, 10702, 10030, 10178

.......................................10814, 10766, 10056

Sansui .....................................................10463

Sanyo .....................................................10154

Scotch ...................................................10178

Scott ..............10236, 10180, 10178, 10179

Sears..10047, 10054, 10154, 10156, 10178

.......................................10171, 10056, 10179

Sharp..10093, 10818, 10689, 10688, 10851

Sheng Chia.............................................10093

Signature ...............................................10016

Sony ..........................................10000, 10834

Soundesign .................10180, 10178, 10179

Squareview ............................................10171

SSS ..........................................................10180

Starlite ...................................................10180

Supreme ................................................10000

SVA ........................................................10748

Sylvania ........................10054, 10030, 10171

Symphonic ...............................10180, 10171

Tandy .....................................................10093

Technics ...................................10250, 10051

Technol Ace  .........................................10179

Techwood ...............................10051, 10056

Teknika ..........10054, 10180, 10150, 10060

.........................10092, 10016, 10179, 10056

Telefunken ...............................10702, 10056

TMK ............................10178, 10056, 10177

TNCi .....................................................10017

Toshiba ..........10154, 10156, 10060, 10650

....................................................11704, 10845

TVS ........................................................10463

Vector Research..................................10030

Victor ....................................................10053

Vidikron ................................................10054

Vidtech ..................................................10178

Viewsonic .............................................11755

Wards ............10054, 10030, 10178, 10866

.........................10016, 10179, 10021, 10056

Waycon .................................................10156

White Westinghouse  ........................10463

Yamaha ..................................................10030

Zenith ...........10017, 10463, 10178, 10092


TV Codes

VCR Codes

Allegro .......................................................20869
Apex Digital ...................20672, 20717, 21100
.................20794, 21061, 20755, 20830, 20796
Blaupunkt ..................................................20717
Blue Parade ...............................................20571
Broksonic ..................................................20695
CineVision .................................................20876
Curtis Mathes ..........................................21087
CyberHome .................................20816, 21023
Daewoo .....................................................20784
Denon .......................................................20490
DVD2000 ..................................................20521
Emerson ..........................20591, 20675, 20821
Enterprise ..................................................20591
Fisher .........................................................20670
Funai ...........................................................20675
GE ....................................20522, 20815, 20717

Go Video ......................................20783, 20715
Greenhill ...................................................20717
Hitachi ..........................................20573, 20664
Hiteker .......................................................20672
Initial ...........................................................20717
JVC ...................................20558, 20623, 20867
Kenwood .....................................20490, 20534
KLH ..............................................20717, 21020
Koss ............................................................20651
Lasonic .......................................................20798
Magnavox .....................................20503, 20675
Marantz ....................................................20539
Memorex ...................................................20695
Microsoft ...................................................20522
Mintek .........................................20839, 20717
Mitsubishi .....................................21521, 20521
Nesa ...........................................................20717

Norcent ....................................................21003
Onkyo .......................................................20503
Oritron .......................................................20651
Panasonic .....................................20490, 21362
Philips .................20503, 20539, 20646, 20854
Pioneer ..........................................20525, 20571
Polk Audio  .................................................20539
Proscan ......................................................20522
Qwestar .....................................................20651
RCA........20522, 20571, 20717, 21022, 20822
Rio ...............................................................20869
Rotel ...........................................................20623
Samsung .......................................20573, 20820
Sansui  ........................................................20695
Sanyo  ............................................20670, 20695
Sharp  .........................................................20630
Shinsonic ......................................20533, 20839

Sonic Blue .................................................20869
Sony .................................20533, 20864, 21033
Sylvania .........................................20821, 20675
Symphonic .................................................20675
Technics ......................................................20490
Theta Digital ..............................................20571
Toshiba .............................20503, 21045, 20695
Urban Concepts........................................20503
Xbox ...........................................................20522
Yamaha .............................20490, 20539, 20545
Zenith ...............................20503, 20591, 20869

DVD Codes

D10-300-6  27/09/04  17:13  Page 15








Summary of Contents for D10-300

Page 1: ......

Page 2: ... programming is sold separately and independently of DIRECTV System hardware A valid programming subscription is required to operate DIRECTV System hardware Activate your DIRECTV programming today at 1 800 DIRECTV 1 800 347 3288 2004 DIRECTV Inc DIRECTV the Cyclone Design logo and Advanced Program Guide are registered trademarks of DIRECTV Inc All other trademarks and service marks are the propert...

Page 3: ...s and a third grounding prong The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet 11 Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs convenience receptacles and the point where they exit from the apparatus 12 Only use attachments accessories speci...

Page 4: ...onnected to a telephone line Excessive RENs on the telephone line may result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call In most but not all areas the sum of RENs should not exceed five 5 0 To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line as determined by the total RENs contact the local telephone company The REN for this product is part of the product identifi...

Page 5: ...ED PROGRAM GUIDE 20 21 Reminders 21 PPV Pay Per View 21 Guide Menu 22 23 Main Menu Using the Main Menu 24 Preferences 25 Preferred Language 25 Screen Format 25 Banner Duration 26 Parental Controls 27 Lock the System 27 Channel Locks 27 Set Spending Limit 28 Set Rating Limit 28 Replace Access Card 28 Purchases 29 Setup 30 31 System Upgrades 31 Messages 32 Caller ID 32 Troubleshooting 33 Technical s...

Page 6: ...RECTV Receiver Infrared IR Universal Remote Control with two AA Batteries Access Card User Guide Power Supply Cord RCA Type Audio Video Connecting Cable RJ 11 Telephone Cord S Video Connecting Cable VIDEO AUDIO L R S VIDEO ...

Page 7: ...o a wall phone jack in your home Sat In Connect the coaxial cable from the Satellite Dish antenna here Details are on page 9 Arrow buttons 9 Navigates through the Guide and menus While watching Satellite programming use the 9arrows to channel up or down TV VCR Output Antenna Input Connect to an off air antenna or analog cable system Channel 3 4 switch Details on page 10 S Video Output Component Vi...

Page 8: system setup and generally does not need to be removed Each access card has a unique number Be sure to record this number in the space provided on the second page of this manual in the For Customer Use section for future reference 1 Open the flip down door on the front of the DIRECTV Receiver 2 Gently insert the access card into the slot following instructions on the card until it meets the sto...

Page 9: cord supplied connect one end of it to a phone jack in your home Connect the other end to the PHONE JACK input on the rear of the Receiver To enjoy uninterrupted programming and to order pay per view programs the DIRECTV Receiver must be continuously connected to a land based phone line 4 Connect one end of the AC power cord supplied to the Receiver s AC IN plug 5 Do not plug your DIRECTV Re...

Page 10: ...for all possible connections Your TV s rear panel may differ A Using a S VIDEO cable supplied connect one end to the S VIDEO connector on the Receiver to the S VIDEO IN on the TV Select the proper input on your TV B Using the RCA type cable supplied connect one end to the OUT 1VIDEO jack yellow on the Receiver to theVIDEO IN on the TV Select the proper input on your TV C Using the RF coaxial cable...

Page 11: ... and steps below to connect Using the RCA type cable supplied connect the left white and right red jacks of one end of the cables to the AUDIO OUT 1 LEFT and RIGHT connectors on the Receiver and the other ends to the left and right AUDIO IN on the home theater stereo receiver or TV Select the proper input on the home theater stereo receiver or TV Audio Note This illustration shows a home theater s...

Page 12: ... and RIGHT OUT 1 on the rear of the DIRECTV Receiver to the corresponding video and audio inputs on the VCR These outputs always output satellite programming Alternatively you can connect OUT TO TV RF output to the RF input on the VCR Note For additional hookups and operation information refer to the owner s manuals for the devices you are connecting to the DIRECTV Receiver ...

Page 13: ...nstallation 1 Remove the battery compartment cover Insert the two batteries type AA supplied 2 Position them in the battery com partment as shown in the diagram 3 Replace the cover PreparingYour Remote Control Satellite Functions ...

Page 14: control the volume on your TV regardless of the slide switch position If you want the VOL MUTE keys to control a different component such as your stereo you can 1 First program AV1 or AV2 to work with your stereo or A V equipment see above instructions 2 Move the slide switch near the top of the remote control to the position you would like to lock the VOL MUTE keys to 3 Point to remote away fr...

Page 15: ...0178 Dwin 10774 10720 Electroband 10000 Emerson 10154 10236 10463 10180 10178 10171 10179 10177 Envision 10030 Fisher 10154 Fujitsu 10179 10809 10683 10853 Funai 10180 10171 10179 Futuretech 10180 Gateway 11756 11755 GE 10047 10051 10451 10178 10021 Gibralter 10017 10030 GoldStar 10030 10178 Grunpy 10180 10179 Hallmark 10178 Harley Davidson 10179 Harman Kardon 10054 Harvard 10180 Havermy 10093 Hel...

Page 16: ...lume MUTE Switches audio on and off 0 9 Allows direct number entry for tuning to a channel TV POWER ON Press to turn TV on TV POWER OFF Press to turn TV off CH CH Change channel up or down Once programmed refer to page 14 your DIRECTV Remote Control should control certain functions of your TV Be sure to press the TV button before operating your TV TV Functions Note All features on your TV may not ...

Page 17: ... displays press the SELECT button on the remote control to start the Setup Wizard The Setup Wizard is a first time setup that automatically steps you through the instal lation process This screen will ONLY appear the very first time your DIRECTV Receiver is turned on a Enter the ZIP code Note The ZIP code is critical to point your dish accurately refer to page 30 b Configure the dish refer to page...

Page 18: ... Audio Track The alternate audio icon indicates an alternate audio track is available To change audio tracks press the or button on the remote Favorites page 19 status On screen Display OSD message space indicates error messages or status or song ID information when you select a channel that contains audio only Watching TV To do this Do this Display the banner Press INFO button on the remote View ...

Page 19: ...ctivate your Favorite list and press SELECT To edit the name or customize a Favorite channel list select Select and Edit and press SELECT Select Edit Change List Name 1 Select Change List Name and press SELECT 2 Use the 9 buttons to scroll through the alphabet When the letter you want is selected press SELECT Repeat until you have spelled the list name 3 When finished select Done on the on screen ...

Page 20: ...position of the channel relative to the total number of channels The Channel List shows the channels available Arrows indicate that the program extends beyond the time slot shown The Clock indicates that a Reminder for the program has been set for future viewing If a Reminder is set it will always display in the Guide cell You will get notification before the program starts so that you can tune to...

Page 21: ...e automatically notified of the shows you want to see In the Guide Reminders display as a clock to the right of the program title If you wish to record a program using your VCR set the VCR s timer recording also Refer to your VCR s owner s manual for timer recording instructions The DIRECTV Receiver will turn on at the correct time and tune to the channel if a Reminder is set To set a Reminder for...

Page 22: ...ather 108 PPV G Young Father 109 PPV G All 110 PPV G All 111 PPV All ALLDAY ALLDAY ALLDAY ALLDAY ALLDAY Guide Menu View Selecting View displays Go To Time Pay PerView Reminder List and Time Reminder Use the 9 buttons to select from the View options Press SELECT or to select an option Jump to specific time slot in guide EZ Search Pay Per View see page 21 List of Reminders set see page 22 Set a Remi...

Page 23: ...row up down to scroll Press SELECT to choose B A C K to previous menu Main indicates subcategories View them by pressing the right arrow Press SELECT to choose one category or subcategory Movies Sports Interests Lifestyles News Themes Show Types Age Appropriate Guide Menu Search Title Actor Director To search for a specific title actor or director 1 Use the 9 buttons to scroll through the alphabet...

Page 24: the MENU button on the remote control To exit the menu Press the MENU button or EXIT To navigate through the menus Use the 9 buttons to highlight an option Then press SELECT or to confirm the selection and display a sub menu Selecting items in a sub menu displays options in which you can change or review settings Press MENU button to view Main Menu ...

Page 25: ...grams offer multiple languages If the selected program is not available in the language you prefer it defaults to English To choose a language 1 Press MENU The Guide option will be highlighted Press 9 to select Preferences and press SELECT 2 Select Preferred Language and press SELECT 3 Use the 9 buttons to choose either Menu Guide or Audio Track and press SELECT The currently selected language has...

Page 26: ...are 5 or 10 seconds The default value is 10 seconds To select the banner duration 1 Press MENU 2 Press 9 to select Preferences and press SELECT 3 Press 9 to select Banner Duration and press SELECT 4 Use the 9 buttons to choose from the options 5 Once you have made your selection press SELECT Preferences Set Favorite Channels Refer to Enhanced User Features section page 19 ...

Page 27: ...nel Locks Set Rating Limits or Set Spending Limits The lock icon in the banner indicates a locked system To lock or unlock the system 1 Choose Lock The System or Unlock The System from the Parental Controls menu 2 When the system prompts you for a password enter it using the numeric buttons on the remote control If locking the system you will need to confirm it before it takes effect If you have f...

Page 28: ...t Children TV Entire Audience TV and MPAA Movies You can lock or unlock all rat ings in each system When you lock a particular rating all ratings exceeding the locked rating are automatically locked as well For example if you lock R NC 17 and X will be automatical ly locked Press 9 to select the desired limit and press SELECT to lock or unlock it The Children TV and Entire Audience TV options cont...

Page 29: ...pcoming Purchases The Upcoming Purchases menu displays all future pay per view programs that you have purchased but not cancelled You may can cel any pay per view program you have not yet watched that was purchased through the DIRECTV Receiver Note You cannot cancel a PPV purchase if you have already tuned to the program To cancel purchases 1 Press MENU 2 Choose Purchases from the main menu and pr...

Page 30: ... menu select Dish Type and press SELECT 2 Use the 9 buttons to select Manual Selection if you know the type of dish you have Otherwise contact your installer or select Auto Selection and press SELECT 3 Use the 9 buttons to manually select your dish type and press SELECT Setup Point Dish Use this function to manually point the dish and correctly align it with the satellite s You may want to have a ...

Page 31: ...lanned by DIRECTV To view past or future upgrades 1 Press MENU 2 Select System Upgrades in the Main Menu and press SELECT 3 Use the 9 buttons to select Past Upgrades or Future Upgrades and press SELECT System Test menu System Information menu Setup System Test This option performs a test of the system This information is useful in troubleshooting if you need to contact customer service To run a sy...

Page 32: ...ope icon indicates a deleted message 5 When you press BACK or EXIT all deleted messages are removed permanently and will not display the next time you view messages Main Menu Caller ID Note You must have phone line connected to your Receiver and be subscribed to Caller ID service from your phone service provider When a phone call comes in a display will appear containing call information To enable...

Page 33: ...RECTV Receiver 3 Make sure no objects obstruct the line of sight between the remote and the DIRECTV Receiver 1 Cannot order a It may be too late to purchase the program Check for other show times b Check phone cord connection on rear panel of the DIRECTV Receiver and at the wall jack Keep phone cord connected 2 Cannot cancel you cannot cancel pay per view orders that you ve watched or tuned to or ...

Page 34: ...d Input Output Interfaces 1 Multi Satellite input TV input Video output CVBS 2 video outputs Audio output Audio L R 2 audio outputs S video output Y C Channel 3 4 TV VCR output with selection switch RJ 11 for modem Integrated telephone modem Return Path Built in RJ 11 connector Modem type v 22bis 2400 baud Dialing mode DTMF pulse Error correction V42 Caller ID Electrical Mains power supply 120V 10...

Page 35: ...ks or utilizing service access or back doors will void this limited warranty Reception transmission problems caused by signal conditions tele phone line or cable or antenna systems outside the unit A product that has been modified or adapted to enable it to operate in any country other than the country for which it was designed manufac tured approved and or authorized or repair of products damaged...

Page 36: ...IN with your user name and password or click on the Register now link and go through the easy steps then continue with Step 2 2 SELECT Option B and then click the Next button at the bottom of the page 3 SCROLL down to Step 3 Add Additional Services and SELECT DIRECTV PROTECTION PLAN then CLICK on the Next button 4 REVIEW your change and CLICK on the Accept These Changes button If you have a DIRECT...
