P a g e
DSEDPM144-5LVA Rev 10/20
You are now ready to install the elements on the boom. You must start at one end and
work your way, in order, to the far end of the boom. Lay out the elements in ascending or
descending order as appropriate. Install a black insulator in each side of the boom piece at
the starting end, and slide the correct element through the two insulators. Obtain a second
keeper and install that keeper on the opposite end of element #1 from the pre-installed keeper.
(See Figure 3) Check that the element is centered before you snug up both keepers. A
positioning error of +/- 2mm or 0.080" is acceptable.
At this point, if you tighten the keepers and the element is not centered, you will have to
cut one of the keepers to remove the element and start again. Some extra keepers are
supplied, but care is definitely required here. Check your work as you go! Proceed with the
next element in similar fashion. Check off each element on Table 1 to monitor your progress.
Double-check element lengths one last time before final installation on the boom.
The driven element is next. Refer to the drawing in Figure 4 and the photos in Figure 5
for guidance. The driven element slides through the boom at the ½” holes. It should slide
through with some friction and you might need to twist it back and forth to get it through. Align
the hole in the driven element with the hole in the boom. Insert an 8-32 X 1
¾” screw through
the large hole in the bottom of the boom, through the driven element and up through the hole
in the boom. Place the T-arm support bracket on next, then the connector L bracket
(connector facing forward!). Next place a #8 split lock washer and a nut and tighten. Install
3/8” plastic plug in the driven element access hole and the 1/2” ends caps.