403.NISS4HT 2.39 2016 Nissan Versa (Smart Key)
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Feature and option list
It is recommended to configure all the features and options listed below using the configuration tool found on the module flashing page at
www.directechs.com. The web offers more options; however, manual configuration of the features is possible using the information on this
* Default option
Flashes / Option
RFTD Output Type
1. No RF Output*
Module is connected to a remote starter using a standard installation.
2. RFTD Output
Module is connected to an XL202 using an RSR or RXT installation (when available).
3. SmartStart
Module is connected to SmartStart using an RSR or RXT installation (when available).
1. Trunk*
Will pop the trunk if available.
2. Right Sliding Door
When available, will operate the right sliding door.
3. Left Sliding Door
When available, will operate the left sliding door.
1. Trunk
Will pop the trunk if available.
2. Right Sliding
When available, will operate the right sliding door.
3. Left Sliding Door
When available, will operate the left sliding door.
1. Trunk
Will pop the trunk if available.
2. Right Sliding Door
When available, will operate the right sliding door.
3. Left Sliding
When available, will operate the left sliding door.
Parking Light Control
On Data
1. Disabled
The remote starter parking lights wire must be connected in the vehicle.
2. Enabled*
The parking lights will be controlled by CAN wires.
OEM Security
Disarm On Data
1. Disabled
The vehicle is not equipped with an OEM alarm.
2. Enabled*
This feature must be enabled when the vehicle is equipped with an OEM security alarm. The alarm original to the
vehicle is disarmed using the bypass and Push-to-Start (PTS) button.
Door Lock Control
On Data
1. Disabled
The remote starter door lock wires must be connected in the vehicle.
2. Enabled - Type1 (EU)
Works for most European vehicles.
3. Enabled - Type2
Works for most North American vehicles. (We've noticed that some North American vehicles need to be set to
"Type 1 (EU)" to work properly.)