© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc
2. Press the up arrow 3 times, or the
down arrow 7 times to reach the
Learn TX IDs menu. Press 'Select'
until the ON appears.
3. Press the write key twice. The ESP
status indicator should begin
NNoottee:: The following should be
accomplished within 20 seconds or
the learn session will time out. If
this occurs, the LED will stop
blinking. Reconnect the Bitwriter
and press WRITE twice to re-enter
the TX ID Learn mode.
4. Disconnect the Bitwriter
connect the Amp to the alarm
5. Press ARM on any transmitter
attached to the alarm system. The
LED should go on if the amplifier
was on prior to TX ID or go out if
the amplifier is off.
NNoottee:: When the amplifier receives
bus activity(typically either
arm or disarm signals, it will blink
to indicate Arm or Disarm
commands. This allows the installer
to verify that the proper cable is in
use and that the transmitters have
been properly programmed. The
unit must still be programmed to
respond to Valet and Arm
commands with a Bitwriter
for the
Anti-theft/Valet modes to lock out
unauthorized operation.
8. M
Maajjoorr VVeerrssiioonn NNuum
mbbeerr:: This number
will allow verification of the
firmware installed in the amplifier.
This will be useful information
should your amplifier ever need
9. M
Miinnoorr VVeerrssiioonn NNuum
mbbeerr:: This number
references the minor version of your
amplifier firmware.
SSttaattuuss IInnddiiccaattoorr::
Status indicator flashes to
indicate the current operational
mode. This can be used in conjunc-
tion with the Power LED to help
determine the source of the