Instructions d’installation / Installation instructions : F6313T955
Ensemble Adaptateur F63 / Adapter Kit F63: K27760 for Claas
14 avril 2014 10
Step 8: Installation on the harvester
To facilitate the header pick-up, set the header on 4’’ à 6’’ (10 - 15cm) thick blocks under
the front shoes (33). The blocks will give a better inclination angle for direct pickup with
the harvester.
Set the rear of the header on the provided lift jack in the storage position (34).
Pick up the header and lock the safety hooks. Remove the lift jack and set in transport
position (35).
Drop the head and readjust the lower links (5) position if the hook points are not
aligning properly. Same with the lock handle (21)
Install the drive shaft provided and close all guards before operating.
Step 12: Operation
Refer to the operator’s manual for the start-up and run-in procedure.
Adjust the harvester suspension as recommended by the harvester manufacturer.
Follow a strict maintenance program to ensure the machine durability.
Refer to the operator’s manual for storage and end of season procedure.