Enter an available IP address which is at the same network segment with “”.
Open a web browser and enter the IP address of MTG1000 (the default IP of FE0 is,
while the default IP of FE1 is ). Then the login GUI will be displayed. Both the default
username and password are admin.
Log into MTG1000
Modify IP Address of FE1
After logging into MTG1000, user needs to modify the IP address of FE1 which is the network port for
If user has a public static IP address, please configure the IP address of FE1 into this public static IP
address; If SIP server is connected to a private network, FE1 should be at the same network segment
with the SIP server. After that, please restart the gateway for the configurations to take effect.
FE0 is only used for local management or maintenance, while FE1 is used for voice and signaling
Configure PRI or SS7 Trunk
On the
PRI Config
PRI Trunk
interface, add a PRI trunk. ‘Channel ID’ of the PRI trunk should be
the same with that of the peer switch.
As for the ‘Switch Side’ parameter, if the peer switch is configured as ‘User Side’, the PRI trunk
should be configured as ‘Network Side’; if the peer switch is configured as ‘Network Side’, the PRI
trunk should be configured as ‘User Side’.
(1) Configure PRI Trunk