451905.66.02 · FD 9912
DHW 300D - DHW 300D+
7.3 Functions
7.3.1 Time programs
It is possible to block the operation of the domestic water heat
pump by setting lower times. Two independent lower times can
be programmed. The individual lower times are activated as
soon as the hour or minute value is not equal to zero. During the
lower times, the cylinder is kept at the lower temperature. The
solar thermal and rapid heating functions, and the function for
using electricity from PV systems and boost (quick heating) are
possible during shut-off times.
Preventative thermal disinfection
The start time for preventative thermal disinfection and the de-
sired setpoint must be set. The function is activated as soon as
the hour or minute value is not equal to zero.
Both the heat pump and the electric heater are switched on
from the start to achieve the set temperature. This ensures that
the required setpoint can be reached as quickly as possible.
If the set temperature is not reached within 4 hours, the
preventative thermal disinfection is terminated. The set start
time can be activated every weekday. Preventative thermal
disinfection should not be started after 8pm to ensure that
the four hours required are available.
7.3.2 Electric heater
The integrated electric heater can be used to supplement heat
pump operation. The electric heater is automatically switched
on if the domestic hot water set temperature is not reached
within the set delay time in heat pump operation. In ECO mode,
the electric heater is only requested if the operating ranges of
the heat pump are left and no 2nd heat generator is present.
This is the case, for example, when the air intake temperature is
undershot/exceeded. With the "Boost" key, the domestic hot
water preparation can be supported with the electric heater for
an adjustable period of time.
If the air temperature is above -7 °C, the electric heater is
blocked. It can only be switched on manually above the -7 °C
limit for the boost (rapid heating) function.
7.3.3 Second heat generator (only with
DHW 300D+)
An existing heat generator can be used to heat the cylinder
using the integrated tube heat exchanger (1 m²) . The use of a
2nd heat generator must be activated in the menu. It is re-
quested if the heat pump's operating limits are exceeded. This
is the case when the bottom or top air intake limit or the domes-
tic hot water setpoint lies above the achievable temperature
during heat pump operation (e.g. preventative thermal disinfec-
tion). In this case, the 2nd heat generator has priority over the
electric heater in the heat pump.When the 2nd heat generator
is activated, it is additionally possible to select a bivalence tem-
perature which deviates from the lower operating limit (air tem-
perature). If this temperature is undershot, heat pump opera-
tion is blocked as soon as the set temperature is reached, and
the 2nd heat generator is then used.
A circulating pump is required for charging the cylinder via the
additional heat exchanger, which should be operated where
necessary. There are two possible solutions for this:
Activating a circulating pump for using the heat
exchanger through existing domestic hot water heat
pump regulation
This version is recommended if a constant heat source is pres-
ent, e.g. wood heating buffer tank when using the 2nd heat
The circulating pump is connected on terminal X4:
Activating a circulating pump for using the heat
exchanger through existing boiler controller
We recommend this version if, in addition to the circulating
pump, a boiler also has to be switched on to generate the heat.
In this case, a sensor of the existing boiler controller is usually
required in the heat pump cylinder. The existing sensor must be
connected electrically and remain physically in the unit. To do
this, stow it rolled up in the insulation in the electric heater area
and reduce the setpoints in the menu where necessary. The fig-
ure below shows the position of the sensor R5 to be replaced,
which is connected electrically to the external boiler controller.
Recommended depth of the sensor in the pipe approx. 550
Installation position of the external temperature
sensor for bivalent operation
(device cover removed in illustration)