Figure 1
Serial Number
Model Number
Part Number
Model and Serial Number Information
If you have any questions about our products please have the product
model and serial numbers available upon calling Dimplex customer
service. To locate the model and serial number see below (
igure 1).
Site Selection and Preparation
This section provides easy step by step instructions for selecting a
location and preparing the site to install the fireplace into
Existing fireplace
New wall construction
Dimplex mantel surround kit or custom made mantel surround
The fireplace insert comes completely assembled and
wired. Some tools may be required to prepare the site and
assembly/install the trim.
The dimensions of the fireplace insert are 26 inches (66 cm) wide X
22 ½ inches (57.2 cm) high X 12 inches (30.5 cm) deep (Figure 2).
You should allow ¼ inch (0.6 cm) around the fireplace insert for
ease of installation.
This fireplace does not require any venting