Digitrax LNWI Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

© 2017 Digitrax, Inc.


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Special Considerations to Note for Using the LNWI

When using a LNWI Wi-Fi connection, any other internal mobile device or app 

functions requiring WAN or Internet access may be temporarily inoperative.  

This may limit other mobile device and app functionality.  Many devices automat


ically select which Wi-Fi network to join, you may need to take this feature into 

consideration with using the LNWI.  Refer to your mobile device instructions for 

more information on this feature.  If you move out of range or your mobile device 

connects to another Network, your throttle app will not be able to communicate 

with the LNWI until you reconnect to the correct LNWI network.  

Digitrax does not produce or support Mobile Devices or Throttle apps, please 

contact your mobile device manufacturer or Throttle app vendor for specific 

support.  The LNWI has been tested with a range of devices and available appli


cations, however not all configurations are guaranteed to function as expected.  

Additionally, the LNWI may not support some subsets of an app’s capabilities, 

and some apps may not be configurable to access all LocoNet capabilities.

Each LNWI will support 4 mobile devices.  Once 4 devices have connected to an 

LNWI additional connections will fail.  To add additional mobile device capability 
up to 8 LNWI units may be connected to a LocoNet. 



Connecting Multiple LNWI units to LocoNet:

LocoNet can support up to 8 connected LNWI units.  Adding additional LNWI 

units will allow for more mobile devices to be connected, up to a total of 32 

mobile devices can be connected.  Each LNWI added supports 4 mobile devices, 

each added LNWI will have its own unique SSID.  To connect additional LNWI’s 

simply follow the quick setup instructions for each additional unit.

Connecting Wi-Fi devices in Multi LNWI setups

Each LNWI connected to LocoNet can support up to 4 Wi-Fi devices.  Each LNWI 

will have a different SSID configured by the units unique device serial number.  

The SSIDs by default begin with “Dtx1-LnServer_XXXX-7” where XXXX is the 

units unique LNWI serial number.  Each LNWI can support 4 connections.  Once 

4 devices are connected to one LNWI any additional connections will fail and 

another SSID must be selected.   

